Louise O’Keefe was eight years-old when she was sexually abused by her school principal. It would take her 40 years and a lengthy legal battle with the Irish state for her to get justice. This is her story.
The internet has been ablaze over the last few weeks after incendiary comments from California lawmaker Travis Allen about his state 'legalising child prostitution'. Here are a few reasons why he is so wrong.
Les victimes présumées d'actes d'exploitation et d'abus sexuels commis par des soldats de la paix des contingents burundais et gabonais déployés en République centrafricaine, ont identifié 41 Casques bleus, selon l'enquête menée par le Bureau des services de contrôle interne des Nations Unies (BSCI). Au total 25 mineurs ont affirmé avoir été victimes de violence sexuelle.