A Human Rights-Based Approach to Programming for Children and Women in Viet Nam: Key Entry Points and Challenges

Summary: This case study examines the conditions for
and experiences with "human rights-based
programming" for children in Viet Nam.

This case study examines the conditions for and experiences
with “human rights-based programming” for children in Viet
Nam. The Human Rights-Based Approach to Programming
(HRBAP) is a new approach to development programming
supported by UNICEF. It was introduced in UNICEF in 1998,
and since then its application has been analysed in numerous
case studies around the world. This case study presents a
situation analysis on child rights in Viet Nam. It identifies key
strategies and entry points, as well as challenges and future
topics for progress in rights-based programming in the country.
It is the first case study of its kind in East Asia.

Owner: Christian Salazar-Volkmanpdf: www.crin.org/docs/resources/publications/hrbap/Vietprintaug04.pdf



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