Submitted by crinadmin on
Summary: Compass is an online manual on human rights
education with young people. The manual is
central to the Human Rights Education Youth
Programme piloted by the Directorate of Youth
and Sport of the Council of Europe.
Compass is an online manual on human rights education with young
people. The manual is central to the Human Rights Education Youth
Programme piloted by the Directorate of Youth and Sport of the Council of
Europe. The programme aims to bring human rights into mainstream
education. Compass contributes to this goal as an accessible, useful and
usable guide to educators, facilitators, leaders, teachers, volunteers and
Compass is published by the Council of Europe in English, French and
Russian. It is a response to some of the lessons learnt at the 1995
European youth campaign against racism and intolerance. This established
that this kind of educational manual should:
- provide appropriate and accessible educational methodologies and tools,
such as the Education Pack "all different - all equal";
- make materials available in the national languages of the users;
- encourage trainers and multipliers who can act and disseminate at
national, regional and local levels.