Articles 42-54: Implementation and monitoring

ADVOCACY: Guide on How to Engage with the International Human Rights Machinery
4/Dec/2013 Publication
Summary: The Guide - written primarily for the non-human rights experts - provides guidance on how to strengthen...
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Learning to Live: Monitoring and evaluating HIV/AIDS programmes for young people
4/Dec/2013 Publication
Summary: Practical guide to developing, planning, implementing and evaluating practice in HIV/AIDS-related programmes for...
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Chronology of the Legal Evolution of Children's Rights
4/Dec/2013 Publication
Summary: This is a comprehensive list of the main legal instruments and programmes drawn up by International organisations...
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NGO Participation in the Second Substantive Session of the Preparatory Committee
4/Dec/2013 Publication
Summary: Guidelines for NGOs attending the Second Preparatory Committee meeting for the Special Session on Children....
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VATICAN : Pédophilie : le Vatican refuse de communiquer ses informations à l'ONU
4/Dec/2013 News
Summary: Le Vatican a refusé de communiquer à une commission de l'Organisation des nations unies (ONU) les informations...
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Children's Rights and Media: Guidelines and Principles for Reporting on Issues Involving Children
3/Dec/2013 Publication
Summary: These guidelines were adopted by journalists' organisations from 70 countries at the world's first international...
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A Checklist for National Child Rights Coalitions
3/Dec/2013 Publication
Summary: Here is a short list of questions you can use to guide your deliberations and actions in this period leading up...
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National Coalitions and the Special Session
3/Dec/2013 Publication
Summary: This document outlines means of involvements for National Coalitions in the Special Session and it's preparatory...
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Frequently Asked Questions on NGO Accreditation and Participation
3/Dec/2013 Publication
Summary: Frequently asked questions including accreditation of NGOs; registration, NGO participation, formal sessions,...
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