Sexual violence by peacekeepers

Allegations of peacekeepers committing sexual exploitation and abuse first came to light in the in the 1990's. The UN has since taken a number of steps to address sexual exploitation and abuse in peacekeeping missions, starting the publication of its ‘zero tolerance policy’ in 2003. Though subsequent measures have followed, the problem continued.

Revelations of sexual exploitation and abuse by UN peacekeepers in Central African Republic from 2014 onwards, have raised serious questions around the UN's transparency in dealing with such cases. We are calling for transparency, accountability and redress for the victims.

Follow the links for further information, including background on how the UN mishandled recent cases of sexual abuse of children, an advocacy guide examining 10 ‘next step’ recommendations that can be taken, each of which would help to safeguard children and other civilians in the long-term, and a timeline of events, and other other useful resources produced by CRIN and others on this issue. This includes our submission to a UN-mandated Independent Review Panel to investigate the UN's response to the sexual abuses allegation in CAR and our summary of reports findings.

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