Latest: ECOSOC | UN Secretary-General | High Commissioner for Human Rights
The UN is the best hope we have of securing human rights across the world. But if the UN is to remain fit for purpose, accountability and confidence in its processes must be guaranteed. Too many of the UN's decisions remain shrouded in secrecy, from appointment processes, to the motivations for limiting NGO access, and internal procedures for handling allegations of abuse.
CRIN's transparency campaign presses for reforms in three areas to make the UN the organisation we need it to be:
First, by stimulating open and transparent appointment processes for the top jobs in children's rights in order to identify leaders with the appropriate commitment, skills and experience to work effectively for children’s rights.
Second, by tracking the transparency of structures which are intended to give children's rights advocates the chance to speak out against abuse. These include organisations like ECOSOC's Committee of NGOs which can enable or block NGOs' participation in the UN system, as well as national organisations like ombudspersons' offices.
And finally, by exposing the UN's lack of transparency in addressing cases of sexual abuse against children, most recently in Central African Republic.
In the pages that follow, you can find out more about the individuals and organisations who have the power to determine the extent to which children's rights are fulfilled - or not, and find out the full story and latest developments from the sexual abuse revelations.