National Positions

Ombudspersons for children

Role: Children's Ombudspersons, also known as Children's Commissioners, are mandated to monitor whether a state is fulfilling its obligations under the UNCRC, as identified under general measure of implementation 2 (what are general measures?).

The role of an ombudsperson for children should be completely independent from the government: an ombudsperson should stand above party politics, be totally impartial and fair and be able to criticise and make recommendations, according to the 'Paris Principles' (what are these?). In recent years however, reports have been coming into CRIN's newsroom demonstrating that many governments are still refusing to abide by these principles.

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CRIN will continue to monitor such developments and promote the establishment of children's ombudspersons institutions in line with the Paris Principles where they do not yet exist.

Action: Report threats to the independence of children's ombudsmen's offices to [email protected].
