Summary: How can we understand the
correlation between the incidence of
child labour and poor school
attendance and educational
achievement? In South Asia, is it
poverty that drives children into the
workplace or is it policy failure which...
Summary: The aim of this study was to
research the issue of citizenship
rights and what this means in the
context of South and Central Asia, to
learn from programmes on how
children are or not able to obtain
their citizenship rights and to...
The mission of the RNC is to strengthen and facilitate cooperation between NGOs and UNICEF for children's rights and their well-being, within the framework of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.Activities include: developing an NGO network...
Tearfund is one of the UK's leading
relief & development agencies,
working in partnership with Christian
agencies and churches around the
world to tackle the causes and
effects of poverty. Tearfund works
with partners in Africa,...
What is UNESCO?
UNESCO - the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) was founded on 16 November 1945
UNESCO works to create the conditions for dialogue among civilisations, cultures and peoples, based...
CIDA pursues poverty reduction mainly through a focus on stimulating sustainable economic growth, increasing food security, and securing a future for children and youth. Environmental sustainability, gender equality and good governance are integral...
WWSF, an international, non-profit, non-confessional empowerment NGO (UN consultative status) serves the implementation of women’s and children’s rights and the UN Millennium Development Goals. Children's section: World Day for Prevention of Child...
SOS-Kinderdorf International is the umbrella organisation for more than 130 associations. SOS Children's Villages provide family-based care for children who have lost their parents or who can no longer live with them. Programmes for vulnerable...
Save the Children is the UK's largest
international children's organisation,
working for the rights and welfare of
children in the UK and in over 50
other countries through health,
education, child protection, child
labour, child rights and...
Save the Children works to achieve lasting benefits for children within the communities in which they live. By influencing policy and practice based on its experience and study in different parts of the world in all its work. SCF endeavours to make...