Palestinian Territory, Occupied

GAZA: True cost to family life by Israel's bombing
8/Aug/2014 News
Infographic created by NGO, B'Tselem, details members of families killed in 36 incidents in Gaza where civilian homes were bombed or shelled.
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الدفاع عن الاطفال تنعى الزميل هاشم ابو ماريا
7/Aug/2014 News
رام الله 26 تموز 2014- تنعى الحركة العالمية للدفاع عن الأطفال - فرع فلسطين الزميل هاشم خضر أبو ماريا (45 عاما) الذي استشهد...
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GAZA : 400.000 enfants sont en «détresse psychologique»
7/Aug/2014 News
Après un mois de guerre, Catherine Weibel, porte-parole de l’Unicef pour Israël et la Palestine, estime que presque la moitié des enfants de Gaza sont en «état de choc»., le 6 août 2014.
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ISREAL-OPT: No Safe Place for the Children Of Gaza
6/Aug/2014 News
[30 July 2014] - Statement by Leila Zerrougui, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed...
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اليونيسف: اطفال غزة يواجهون مستقبلا قاتما بعد الحرب
6/Aug/2014 News
جنيف - معا - قالت رئيسة المكتب الميداني الذي تديره منظمة الأمم المتحدة للطفولة (يونيسيف) في غزة بيرنيل ايرنسايد ان أكثر من...
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4/Aug/2014 Country
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OPT: Five actions you can take to help Gaza
31/Jul/2014 News
DCI-Palestine has listed some simple actions which you can take to support Gaza. 
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ARMED CONFLICT: No place to hide for children of war in Gaza and Syria
30/Jul/2014 News
The conflicts in Syria and Gaza are having a a devastating impact on the lives of children. 
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GAZA : le Secrétaire général condamne l'attaque meurtrière contre une école de l'UNRWA
28/Jul/2014 News
Ban Ki-moon a exprimé jeudi sa consternation suite à une attaque israélienne contre une école de l'Office de secours et de travaux des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés de Palestine dans le Proche-Orient (UNRWA).
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DCI-Palestine mourns the loss of Hashem Abu Maria, colleague and friend, killed by Israeli forces
28/Jul/2014 News
DCI-Palestine mourns the death of Hashem Khader killed by Israeli forces while peacefully participating in a solidarity march with Gaza.
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