Articles 42-54: Implementation and monitoring

ISRAEL: Interests of child trump religion in new Israeli adoption bill
5/Nov/2013 News
Summary: Under the proposed legislation, parents seeking to adopt a non-Jewish child may no longer have to prove they are...
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GERMANY: New law allows gender to be left blank on birth certificate
1/Nov/2013 News
Summary: A new law in Germany allows parents to leave their child's gender blank on birth certificates. Intersex activists...
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KENYA: Protests over lenient punishment given in gang-rape case
1/Nov/2013 News
Summary: Kenya's lawnmowing rape sentence sends 1 million flocking to on-line protest...
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The South Asian Report on the Child-friendliness of Governments
25/Oct/2013 Publication
Summary: The South Asian report is a new comprehensive rights-based report which, for the first time, objectively measures...
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