CALL FOR SUBMISSION: Child, early and forced marriage


Call for submission on child, early and forced marriage

Civil Society Section
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights


Pursuant to HRC resolution A/HRC/RES/24/23 on child, early and forced marriage, OHCHR will be submitting a report on this subject to the Human Rights Council at its 26th Session in June 2014.

Accordingly, the OHCHR would like to request any relevant information for the preparation of their report from the following: civil society organizations and networks, national human rights institutions (NHRIs), scholars, research institutions and policy think tanks, community movements, children and youth organizations and networks.

In particular, views and information would be welcome on:

a) How States are implementing their obligations under international human rights conventions and international human rights treaties on child, early and forced marriage at the national level;

b) Steps taken to prohibit child, early and forced marriage as well as examples of positive experience and challenges encountered at the national level in adopting polices, measures and implementing strategies to address this issue;

c) Policies, projects and measures undertaken at national and sub-national levels, including by United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, civil society and other relevant stakeholders to promote the elimination of child, early and forced marriage specifically including action taken to address the issue in practicing communities, and to address or mitigate its impact, making specific reference to the outcomes of such policies, projects and measures;

d) Surveys, assessments and studies carried out at national and sub-national level on the prevalence of child, early and forced marriage and/or its impact on the human rights of women and girls and other affected groups;

e) Recommendations on or examples of good practices regarding possible appropriate measures and strategies to prevent and eliminate child, early and forced marriage.

Please send your submission to the Women Human Rights and Gender Section of OHCHR by e-mail ([email protected] / [email protected]) or fax (+41 22 917 9008) by 15 December 2013.


Deadline: 15 December 2013



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