General principles

EURASIA: Gifted children v children with disabilities - how seeking out the ‘best' contributes to social inequality in post-Soviet states
4/Sep/2014 News
CRIN looks at the worship of “gifted” children in post-Soviet states alongside denial of children with disabilities and questions why this culture is so deeply rooted.
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APPEL À CONTRIBUTIONS : L'investissement dans les droits de l'enfant
Fri, 03/10/2014 - 17:00 Event
Le Haut Commissariat aux droits de l'homme reçoit les contributions de la société civile pour le rapport de sa session de Mars 2015, qui aura pour thème : « Vers un meilleur investissement dans les droits de l'enfant ».
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CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: OHCHR's report on investment in children
Tue, 26/08/2014 - 17:00 Event
OHCHR is inviting contributions for the March 2015 session of the Human Rights Council on the theme:"Towards a better investment in the rights of the child".
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