Library news

SEXUAL VIOLENCE: UN, African Union sign landmark agreement to curb sexual violence in African countries
4/Mar/2014 News
The United Nations and the African Union (AU) affirmed their common commitment “to put an end to history’s oldest and least condemned crime” by signing landmark agreement on the prevention of and response to conflict-related sexual violence in Africa, a senior UN official today said.
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MACEDONIA: State prohibits all corporal punishment of children
25/Feb/2014 News
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has become the 36th State to ban all forms of corporal punishment of children in all settings, including the home. 
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SUDAN: Pregnant teenager alleging gang-rape charged with adultery
21/Feb/2014 News
Ethopian teenager says she was raped by seven men in August 2013, and now faces possible sentence of death by stoning.
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CORÉE DU NORD : une commission de l'ONU réclame la saisine de la Cour pénale internationale
21/Feb/2014 News
[Le 17 février 2014] - De multiples crimes contre l'humanité, découlant de politiques établies au plus haut sommet de l...
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La BELGIQUE légalise l'euthanasie pour les mineurs
21/Feb/2014 News
La loi, déjà votée en décembre par le Sénat, a été approuvée par les députés à une majorité de 86 « pour », 44 « contre » et 12 abstentions.
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SYRIA: Living under Siege
19/Feb/2014 News
UN human rights paper details devastating impact of sieges in Syria.
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SEXUAL VIOLENCE: UN, African Union sign landmark agreement to curb sexual violence in African countries
19/Feb/2014 News
A landmark agreement has been signed between the UN and the African Union to combat sexual violence in war in Africa. 
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AFGHANISTAN: President orders changes to draft law amid fears for Afghan women
18/Feb/2014 News
Afghan president backs away from a law that would have silenced victims of domestic violence, forced marriage and child abuse.
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NORTH KOREA: UN-mandated human rights inquiry documents 'widespread, systematic abuses'
18/Feb/2014 News
A UN-mandated report documents a grim array of human rights abuses in North Korea and calls for urgent action, including referrals to the International Criminal Court.
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SOUTH SUDAN: New peace talks begin
14/Feb/2014 News
Fresh talks to resolve the crisis in South Sudan have opened in Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa, more than two weeks after a ceasefire was signed.
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