Library news

IRELAND: ‘Nothing is going to change the past, but we can protect the children of the future’
2/Abr/2015 Publication
Louise O’Keefe was eight years-old when she was sexually abused by her school principal. It would take her 40 years and a lengthy legal battle with the Irish state for her to get justice. This is her story.  
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LIBERIA: Firing back at Firestone
6/Mar/2015 Publication
By the early 2000s, Harbel, Liberia, a town founded by giant American tyre manufacture Firestone, had become synonymous with child labour. A legal case brought against Firestone by 23 workers garnered massive media attention and led to significant changes at the 220 square mile rubber plantation which thousands of labourers called home.
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Le Népal a banni les jouets toxiques pour enfants. Prévoit-il maintenant de lever l’interdiction ?
21/Dic/2018 News
Après qu'une ONG a réussi à convaincre le gouvernement d'édicter des mesures de protection, les dirigeants du Népal ont maintenant le projet de revenir en arrière et d'affaiblir l'encadrement des produits toxiques dans les jouets. La question se pose de savoir ce qui a bien pu provoquer ce revirement de situation ?
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Just Say No to ‘Just Say No’ — Research on Youth and Privacy in the Americas
17/Oct/2018 News
In this guest post for CRIN, Mariel García-Montes discusses the tension between children's rights organisations and digital rights groups, and the importance of recognising children's agency. 
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Romania's referendum threatens children's rights
26/Sep/2018 News
A coalition of conservative and anti-LGBT hate groups are trying to use children’s rights as an excuse to redefine marriage in Romania, in a way which will inevitably run counter to children’s best interests  
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Sotto, you are wildly wrong on criminalising children
25/Sep/2018 News
The Philippines' Senate President, Vicente Sotto III, has cited our research to support his reforms to lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility. We reject this proposal in the strongest terms.
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Nepal banned toxic children’s toys - is it now planning to bring them back?
18/Sep/2018 News
After an NGO helped convince the government to enact safety standards, Nepal‘s leaders are now planning to weaken regulations on how much toxic material is allowed in children’s toys. What caused this U-turn?
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JUSTICE DES MINEURS : Congrès mondial sur la justice pour enfants
11/Abr/2018 News
Le Congrès Mondial sur la justice pour Enfants aura lieu du 28 à 30 mai 2018 à Paris et traitera de trois grandes problématiques : la participation des enfants aux activités extrémistes violentes et les réponses envisageables; la nécessité d’identifier davantage de moyens efficaces pour réduire la délinquance juvénile et la récidive; les manières d'améliorer les mécanismes de protection des enfants vulnérables et les stratégies de prévention précoce.
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Appointment of the next High Commissioner for Human Rights
23/Mar/2018 News
The appointment of the new United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, due to take place later this year, is a...
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JUVENILE JUSTICE: World Congress on Justice for Children
15/Ene/2018 News
The World Congress on Justice for Children will be held from 28-30 May 2018 and will focus on global trends in three important areas.
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