Documents submitted for the Day of General Discussion (7 October 1996) on Children and the Media

Documents submitted for the Day of General Discussion (7
October 1996) on "Child and the Media"

At its 13th session (Geneva, 23 September - 11 October 1996),
the Committee on the Rights of the Child devoted a day of
general discussion (7 October 1996) to the theme "the Child and
the Media ". As for previous thematic discussions, the Committee
invited representatives of United Nations organs, bodies and
specialized agencies, as well as other competent bodies,
including non-governmental organizations, research and
academic organizations and individual experts, to contribute to
the discussion. Several organizations and individual experts
submitted contributions and other relevant documents on this
Here you will find a list of these contributions by "other
competent bodies" in PDF format.

For further information or other enquiries please contact the
Committee on the Rights of the Child - Secretariat,
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Palais des
Nations - CH-1211 Genève 10 - Switzerland, Phone +41 22 917
9235 or 917 9000, Fax +41 22 917 9022, or email
[email protected]. This report is adapted from Annex VI,
List of submitted documents for the Day of General Discussion (7
October 1996) on "The Child and the Media", in "Report of the
thirteenth session," CRC/C/73. The report and general
recommendations, as well as introduction, agenda, suggested
guide, can be read in full on the website of the Office of the High
Commissioner for Human Rights.

1. By the Committee on the Rights of the Child

Mr. Thomas Hammarberg
“Children, the United Nations Convention and the media”,
Background paper for the discussion day.

2. By United Nations organs

Department of Public Information
“Children's Rights”, United Nations Backgrounder, January 1996

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
“Prime time for children: Media, ethics and reporting of commercial
sexual exploitation”, paper submitted by the International
Federation of Journalists, for UNICEF, to the World Congress
against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Stockholm,
August 1996

“Interviewing children”, a training pack for journalists, written
and produced by Sarah McCrum and Paul Bernal, 1994; book and

International Children's Day of Broadcasting, “Tune to Kids”, 15
December 1996

3. By specialized agencies

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

“Children, the media and the rights of the child”, by Carlos A.
Arnaldo and John Bennett

“Children and violence”, summary of the report of the Commission
on Children and Violence convened by the Gulbenkian Foundation

“How do you curb violence in the media?”, paper by Andréa
Martinez, submitted to the International Symposium on Women
and the Media. Access to Expression and Decision-Making,
Toronto, 28 February-3 March 1996

“Violence et télévision”, par Hervé Bourges, Président du Conseil
supérieur de l'audiovisuel (France), Programme international pour
le développement de la communication - Paris, 22-26 janvier 1996

“Jeunes et média de demain, quelles problématiques? quelles
perspectives?”,Groupe de recherche sur les relations
enfants/média, Forum international de chercheurs, UNESCO,
Paris, 21-25 avril 1997

“Non-violence, tolerance and television”; an international round
table organized by UNESCO, the International Programme for the
Development of Communication, and the Indian Government,
New Delhi, 1 April 1994; report of the Chairman to the
Intergovernmental Council of the International Programme for the
Development of Communication

“Violence in Broadcasting Worldwide”, International Survey of
Regulations in Broadcasting with Specific Regard to Violence,
prepared for UNESCO by Broadcasting Standards Council, paper
by Colin Shaw, Director, BSC

“Television Violence versus Viewer Power: the Power to Zap
Away”, a synthesis of UNESCO IPDC Actions 1994-1996, by
Carlos A. Arnaldo, Chief, Free Flow of Information and
Communication Research, International Programme for the
Development of Communication, UNESCO, Paris, 23 January 1996

Chroniques du Forum, No. 1, “Les jeunes et les médias demain”,
juin 1996(English/français)

United Nations Development Programme/UNESCO/UNICEF/World

“Education for all, achieving the goal”, final report mid-decade of
the International Consultative Forum on Education for All, 16-19
June 1996, Amman, Jordan

4. By regional intergovernmental organizations

“Télévision et enfants”, par Bernard Blin, Conseil de l'Europe,
Comité directeur sur la politique sociale, projet politique de
l'enfance, Strasbourg, 11 avril 1995

5. By intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations
and individual experts

Childnet International
“Promoting the interests of children in international
communications”, Nigel Williams

Children's Environments Research Group, City University of New
York: “The Whole Story by Kids for Kids”

International Committee of the Red Cross/Office of the
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR)/UNICEF/International Federation of Red Cross
and Red Crescent Societies
Joint statement on the evacuation of unaccompanied children
from Rwanda

International Federation of Journalists
“The Child and the Media”, Bettina Peeters, Brussels, October

International Save the Children Alliance
“Children, Ethics and the Media”

M. Koren
“Tell me the right of the child to information”, NBLC, The
Hague,November 1996

NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Sub-Group on Education, Literacy and Mass Media, “Media and
children's rights”

Unlimited Productions
“What can be done to develop the possibilities for children to
participate actively in the media?”, by Sara MacNeill

Watch, the World Alliance of Television for Children

Prix Jeunesse and Watch at the UNICEF Workshop, “The Child
and the Media”,7 October 1996. The Foundation's objective is to
contribute to an improvement of worldwide television output for
the young, to promote communication between nations and to
increase programme exchange on an international level

Asian Declaration on the Child and the Media, Asian Summit on
Rights of the
Child and the Media, Manila - 2-5 July 1996

“Youth and media”, bibliography compiled by David B. Shedden,
Institute for Media Studies

“Panel 3b: The role of the media”, Rapporteur's summary, World
Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children,
Stockholm, August 1996

“Networking for children's rights in the media”, by Connie Tadros,
in Media Development, 1994

“Lolita lives: child imagery in the media”, by Jane Lizop, Media
Adviser to the World Congress against Commercial Sexual
Exploitation of Children, in CROSSLINES Global Report, August

“Prime Time for Children”, including “Recommendations for Further
Action”, in CROSSLINES Global Report, August 1996

“Sex, computers and video tapes” by Eve Porter, in CROSSLINES
Global Report, September 1996, vol. 4, No. 24

* Not submitted in electronic format.

Please note that these reports were submitted to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. They are hosted by Child Rights Connect and CRIN and the author's permission has been obtained for all reports listed. However, unless otherwise stated, they are not the work of either organisation and their inclusion in our database does not necessarily signify endorsement or agreement with their content by Child Rights Connect or CRIN.