Young Opinions - Great Ideas

Summary: A team of young researchers aged 14-16
were trained in research skills by NCB
before carrying out a series of group
interviews in a variety of settings.
This unique book written by the Young
Researchers details the views and
experiences of 70 young people across
the county and provides a intriguing
insight into the key concerns, worries
and hopes of young people today

A team of young researchers aged 14-16 were trained in research
skills by NCB before carrying out a series of group interviews in a
variety of settings. This unique book written by the Young
Researchers details the views and experiences of 70 young people
across the county and provides a intriguing insight into the key
concerns, worries and hopes of young people today - from drugs and
alcohol misuse to bullying and racism.

The report also reveals that children and young people want a say in
issues that affect them and outlines their views on how their voices
can be heard in order to bring about change.

The book has been written, designed and illustrated by the young
researchers and will be of interest to both young people and adults -
particularly those involved in children's rights, youth justice and
the development and planning of services for children and young

This project is one of several initiatives organised by NCB as part
of its children's and young people's participation programme. For
further information about how NCB ensures that the views of children
and young people are heard, please contact Andrew Pasterfield,
Children's Participation Coordinator on 0171 843 6067.

Owner: Emma Tolley, Marchu Gima, Adam-Stanton-Wharmby, Anthony Spate, Jennie Milburn


Please note that these reports are hosted by CRIN as a resource for Child Rights campaigners, researchers and other interested parties. Unless otherwise stated, they are not the work of CRIN and their inclusion in our database does not necessarily signify endorsement or agreement with their content by CRIN.