Submitted by Victor on
CRIN’s annual report aims to convey a sense of children’s rights globally and stir up action to address the structural failures which allow violations to continue. The report is based on information gathered throughout the year as part of our work to monitor what is happening in the news, at the UN and in law reform around the world. We believe that information is a powerful and necessary tool for advocacy. It gives us an authoritative platform to highlight gaps both to bolster advocacy efforts by others and to establish the foundation for our own research, policy and advocacy work.
Where we recognise a pattern of violations or a gap in children’s rights advocacy, we determine whether to take action, for instance, by conducting further research, provoking debate with a policy or discussion paper, or starting a campaign. Sometimes this work tackles the conditions needed to fulfil children’s rights, at others it addresses specific issues. We always aim to work collectively and support other campaigns around the world. The ultimate goal is to make sure all children’s rights are covered - and eventually fulfilled.
What follows is a round-up of some of the events that unfolded between September 2015 and December 2016 and how we responded to them.