Submitted by crinadmin on
Summary: The contribution of the African
Movement of Working Children and
Youth (AMWCY) to the Global
Movement in favour of children, and
the United Nations General Assembly
Special Session on Children
'A world fit for and by children' - Our point of view as African
Working Children
full text
The contribution of the African Movement of Working Children and
Youth (AMWCY) to the Global Movement in favour of children, and
to the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on
Children (UNGASS), can be seen in the above document and the
processes listed below.
A - Debate and propositions on the participation of the African
Movement of Working Children and Youth to the United Nations
Special Session on Children (UNGASS, September 2001);
B - Commentaries from African Working Children and Youth
(AMWCY) on the 10 points of the Global Movement in favor of
children; and,
C – Amended version of the Revised draft outcome document of
the 3° Prepcom of the Special Assembly of the United Nations on
Children by the African Movement of Working Children and Youth
The Movement itself is the main African voice of those children
and youth in 'difficult circumstances' who haven’t had the
privilege of basic social services, such as education, health etc.
Two delegates of the AMWCY participated at the 2° prepcom of
UNGASS in New York. But they felt isolated by the system and the
language of this conference. Therefore after listening to their
report, the elected delegates of the Regional Commission of the
AMWCY decided to propose a large participation to the UNGASS
process so that the voices of African Children deprived of their
rights, those mainly concerned by UNGASS (art 44) can be
listened to properly during the next steps of the UNGASS process.
The Movement is supported by a large coalition of African NGOs,
Churches and Civil Servants. Enda TM (Senegal), in cooperation
with Save the Children Sweden, leads the regional programme of
support to this Movement.
The regional commission of our Movement met from the 12th to
23rd March, 2001 in Ouagadougou. We studied the message of
the Global Movement for Children. Adults who live out of Africa
have written this message;we spent two days and a half
discussing these ten points and the UNGASS document,
comparing them to our twelve rights and to activities we are
engaged in.