The Psychosocial Rehabilitation of Children Who Have Been Commercially Sexually Exploited: Self Study Material for Carers

Summary: This These materials are designed
for centres for street children and
abused young people which find
themselves taking on new staff
without having the resources or
opportunity to provide training. Many
NGOs operating on a low budget are
forced to take on volunteer or
inadequately trained staff, or
students who are undergoing a
formal education helping out part-
These materials are designed for centres for street children and
abused young people which find themselves taking on new staff
without having the resources or opportunity to provide training.
Many NGOs operating on a low budget are forced to take on
volunteer or inadequately trained staff, or students who are
undergoing a formal education helping out part-time. These are
sample materials for SELF-STUDY which may be adapted or
translated to be suitable for new caregivers of children who are
sexually abused or exploited. Workers at centres can work
through them in their own time at their own pace. The
suggestions given are based on experiences of a number of
groups working with commercially exploited children around the

Six units cover child sexual abuse, commercial sexual exploitation
of children, psychosocial rehabilitation, programmes,
reintegration, and prevention. Included are guiding principles for
working with children who have been commercially sexually
Owner: Delaney, Stephanie and Cotterill, Colinpdf:


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