Submitted by crinadmin on
Given the escalation of disasters we are witnessing and their impact on children’s rights and wellbeing, we are encouraged by the growing acknowledgement by development and humanitarian practitioners, donors and policy makers of the important role of children in reducing disaster risks and helping communities become more resilient. The report, Child-Centred Disaster Risk Reduction: Building resilience through participation, presents information about Plan’s child-centred approach to disaster risk reduction. It explains the achievements, lessons and recommendations for replication, demonstratinghow child-centred DRR can provide an innovative approach for the delivery of the Hyogo Framework’s Priorities for Action, reducing risks not only for children, but for whole communities. It also shows how child-centred DRR can contribute to the realisation of children’s rights to education, health and participation. The findings presented here are primarily the result of the achievements of thousands of children on the front-line of disasters where Plan works. They enthusiastically committed to building the resilience of their communities. Many of them stepped confidently well beyond the confines of their families, schools and communities to urge governments and international agencies to prioritise the needs and views of young people. Plan was privileged and humbled to support and learn from their initiative and enthusiasm. We hope that you will find benefits in learning further about this approach from this report, and remain confident that children’s role in disaster management will receive further support from those committed to achieving a safer future for all.