Submitted by jonas on
[19 January 2015] - “Antigua and Barbuda Corporal Punishment Act 1949, Bangladesh Whipping Act 1909, Barbados Corporal Punishment Act 1899, Botswana Children's Act 2009, Brunei Darussalam Sharia Penal Code 2013, Dominica Corporal Punishment Act 1987, Singapore Criminal Procedure Code 2010, Tuvalu Island Courts Act 1965, Tanzania Corporal Punishment Ordinance 1930 …”
These are just a few of the laws in the 38 states identified in this new report where children may be lawfully flogged, whipped and caned under secular, religious and/or customary systems of justice. The report, published by the Global Initiative and Save the Children for the 2015 World Congress on Juvenile Justice, to be held in Geneva 26-30 January, also identifies the many immediate opportunities for achieving prohibition of these barbaric practices, and describes international and national advocacy for abolition – including medical opposition to the unethical involvement of doctors in the administration of cruel punishments. As Professor Paulo Pinheiro – the Independent Expert who led the UN Secretary General’s Study on Violence against Children – states in his message to the report:
“How can these states, 25 years after adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, continue to ignore their international obligations and maintain these barbaric practices? For many children, I fear we are barely at the starting point in respecting their human dignity: we must all redouble explicit advocacy.”
The full report is attached below.
For hard copies and further information, contact [email protected].