Submitted by crinadmin on
Follow-up to the UN Study on Violence against Children: WWSF planned activities and contributions(presented at the 4th session of the UN Human Rights Council – Geneva, March 2007) WWSF, an international empowerment NGO for the promotion and implementation of women’s and children’s rights and the Millennium Development Goals, serves its global network through a women’s and a children’s section. The WWSF Children’s Section supports the full implementation of the Study’s recommendations and commits to raise awareness of the overarching recommendations with its partnership coalition of over 700 organisations in more than 110 countries that work for the creation of a global culture of child abuse prevention and commit to mark the World Day for prevention of child abuse - 19 November with activities and events. Activities at the international level: 2007 must be a new beginning with the adoption of the General Assembly Resolution of the UN Study on violence against children. WWSF will widely diffuse the Study to its coalition members, empower them to organise events in their countries, profile the Study recommendations and advocate for implementation, taking into account the realities at their national level. WWSF will use its annual Call to Action and global poster campaign to mobilise its growing network for urgent action especially on the World Day for prevention of child abuse. WWSF will help prioritise prevention by: Activities at the national and local level: At the 4th session of the UN Human Rights Council (March 2007), WWSF launched: