Looking Back, Thinking Forward : the fourth report on the implementation of the agenda for action adopted at the world congress against sexual exploit

Summary: This report informs on the
implementation of the Stockholm
Declaration, including the state
of/attitudes toward commercial
sexual exploitation; child
prostitution; child pornography;
trafficking of children for sexual
purposes; status of national plans;
programmes and policies (protection,
prevention, recovery/ rehabilitation),
successes and difficulties.
Also available in Japanese:

Also available in Russian and Arabic (not available online)

This report contains information on the implementation of the
Stockholm Declaration and Agenda for Action. Reporting is based
on the major regions of the world, which are in turn divided into
sub regions. Reports were collected from a variety of sources,
governmental organizations, Intergovernmental agencies, and
NGOs. Each subregion has sections on the state of / attitudes
toward commercial sexual exploitation of children; child
prostitution; child pornography; trafficking of children for sexual
purposes; status of national plans; programmes and policies
(protection, prevention, recovery/ rehabilitation) and successes
and difficulties. At the end of each subregion, there is a chart
indicating country reports of CSEC, existence of General Plans or
National Plans, and ECPAT's assessment of the state meeting its
obligation under the Agenda for Action.pdf: www.ecpat.net/eng/Ecpat_inter/Publication/Other/English/Pdf_page/csec_4t...


    Please note that these reports are hosted by CRIN as a resource for Child Rights campaigners, researchers and other interested parties. Unless otherwise stated, they are not the work of CRIN and their inclusion in our database does not necessarily signify endorsement or agreement with their content by CRIN.