Submitted by crinadmin on
The international framework for education in and for human rights
has been built upon and expanded over the past fifty years. By
examining the significance of these developments Amnesty
International wants to contribute and give credence to the efforts
being made by the human rights movement all over the world
towards the establishment of educational systems which truly
work towards the 'full development of the human personality and
the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental
freedoms'(art.26(2) of the UDHR)
The aim of this document is to outline the obligation governments
have to implement education in and for human rights. It examines
the changes seen since the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights in 1948 (UDHR) first established education as an essential
component in human rights protection.
Many Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), including
Amnesty International, are engaged in implementing educational
projects in and for human rights, but it is also important and
necessary to develop lobbying strategies and tools so as to
integrate human rights values and concepts permanently in all
educational curricula.