Gender Inequalities in Primary Schooling: The Roles of Poverty and Adverse Cultural Practice

Summary: This paper suggests a simple model for
the relationships between poverty,
schooling and gender inequality.
IDS Working Paper 78 1998 31pp ISBN 1 85864 248 5 £6.00

This paper suggests a simple model for the relationships between
poverty, schooling and gender inequality. It argues that poverty - at
both national and household levels - is associated with an under-
enrolment of school-age children, but that the gendered outcomes of
such under-enrolment are the product of cultural practice, rather
than of poverty per se. Using detailed case study material from two
African countries, evidence is presented to show the variety and
extent of adverse cultural practice which impede the attendance and
performance of girls at school, relative to boys. It follows that
gender inequalities in schooling outcomes, measured in both
qualitative and quantitative terms,will not necessarily be reduced as
incomes riseOwner: Christopher Colclough, Pauline Rose, Mercy Tembon


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