Submitted by crinadmin on
Summary: The statistics contained in this report
offer a horrifying picture of society's
response to child prostitution. Every
year literally hundreds of children
young people are involved in
"The statistics contained in this report offer a horrifying picture
of society's response to child prostitution. Every year literally
hundreds of children and young people are involved in
Many have little or no choice: they are often homeless, having
away from home or local authority care and have no money. Many
experience abuse and family conflict. And yet these young people
cautioned and convicted by the police. The report poses the
question:Is it acceptable that a child abused at home is protected
whereas a child abused on the street is criminallised?
The Game's up summarises the legislation as it relates to young
people and prostitution and describes in detail the criminal justice
process through which these young people must pass. It looks at
evidence from Home office figures of the numbers of children
cautioned and charged by police authorities up and down the
This report provides and excellent overview of the legal
and current police response to child prostitution. Detailing the
devistating effects this approach has on young people, it also
powerfully makes the case for a radical new approach to child
prostitution in Britain today.
Owner: Mark Lee and Rachel O'Brian