Film: Kigali Street Kidz




Since Dorota and Bret Syfert announced that they would be launching the film "Kigali Street Kids" on International Day for Street Children (12 April!), you may have been wondering what this day is all about.

The Consortium for Street Children (CSC) first launched the day in 2011. It is celebrated every year on 12 April and its purpose is to provide a platform for street children worldwide – and the people who work to help them – to speak out, so that their rights cannot be ignored.

Their theme this year is Home Street Home – highlighting that for many children across the world, including in the UK, the street is their home. Look for the CSC team on the streets of London this Friday, 12 April. Please don't ignore them and try to shuffle past in the crowd, because they are NOT trying to get your credit card details.

All they need from us is to sign their petition. In fact, why not click here to sign it right now.

The petition is to get the UN to officially recognise the International Day for Street Children. If the UN does adopt it, this will result in greater exposure, permanence and pressure on governments to act. For more, click on the "We demand a day" image below, and get involved!


And don't forget to tune in right here ( on B, D and The Boys, Thursday night at midnight (GMT), for the free online screening of "Kigali Street Kidz".

Owner: Bret Syfertpdf:



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