Children Confronting HIV/AIDS: Charting the Confluence of Rights

Summary: From a child rights perspective.
HIV/AIDS serves to
cultnral norms and legal precepts
facilitate or constrain the protection
of the child from HIV infection and
from its individual and collective
From a child rights perspective. HIV/AIDS serves to
cultnral norms and legal precepts facilitate or constrain the
protection of the child from HIV infection and from its individual
and collective impacts. Recognition of human rights in the design,
implementation and evaluation of governmental policy can point the
way toward actions which are not only necessary but, in public health
terms. most effective. This article summarizes the three situations-
children infected, affected, and vulnerable-and three levels of
'governmental obligations-to respect. protect, and fulfill rights-
which should be considered when identifying children's specific needs
and rights in the context of HiV/AIDS. The article then proposes a
method to analyze systematically the confluence between HIV/AIDS and
children's rights. creating opportunities for a synergy that between
those involved in HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and research, and others
engaged to the promotion and protection of the rights of the child.
Owner: Daniel Tarantola and Sofia Gruskin


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