Submitted by crinadmin on
Monitoring the implementation of children's rights, assessing and influencing legislation and other decision making from the point of view of children, keeping in touch with children and people working with children, disseminating childrens opinions to decision makers, promote the implementation of the UN CRC and better coordination of the policy towards children.
Background: the first two years in office The ombudsman for children in Finland was established 1st of September 2005 by law. Its task is to promote the realization of the rights and interest of children in together with the other actors in the field of child policy. The Office is independent authority in connection to the Ministry of Social and Health Affairs. Ombudsman works through networking with other authorities, organizations, child research. Ombudsman does not deal with individual cases, but concentrates on lobbying for children at the strategic policy making level. The tasks defined by law include: 1. monitoring and assessing the implementation of childrens rights and living conditions of children The office employs at the moment three permanent members of the staff and one temporary. The office is too small for the national tasks. Ms. Maria Kaisa Aula holds the post for the first ombudsman until year 2010. The public administration as well as different organizations and ordinary citizens have welcomed the work of the ombudsman. During the year 2006 ombudsman
2. assessing and influencing legislation and other decision making from the point of view of children
3. keeping in touch with children and people working with children, disseminating childrens opinions to decision makers
4. promote the implementation of the UN CRC
5. promote better coordination of the policy towards children in Finland.