Submitted by vanessa on
Up-date on Special Procedure appointments:
The appointment of 19 new experts to special procedure posts has been postponed until April 2014.
According to the OHCHR, the appointment decision for the 19 mandate-holders which were due to be appointed on the last day of the 25th session of the Human Rights Council has been postponed to an organisational meeting of the Council to be held any time before the end of the 19th session of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review (28 April to 9 May 2014). In the meantime, the current 19 mandate-holders have been extended until then.
As part of the selection process, a consultative group, comprising of State representatives, had given its list of preferred candidates to the President of the Human Rights Council. This list has been made public in interests of transparency.
See who the preferred candidates are, including those for the Special Rapporteur on sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.
CRIN monitors the appointment process for key human rights positions as part of a campaign for greater transparency in who gets the top jobs in human rights, and how they get them.
UN Special Procedures are a vital way for the UN and the world to find out about human rights violations and what is going in specific countries and on specific issues. Special procedures examine, monitor, advise and publicly report on human rights abuses (and progress) in countries or territories or on major themes, such as the right to education or enforced disappearances.
There are two special procedures who look specifically at children’s rights - the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography; and the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children.
However, because children have all human rights (simply by virtue of being human), all human rights law and mechanisms apply to children’s rights. This means that all special procedures, including those with a broader mandate, need to have a children’s rights angle to their work.
Further information:
See CRIN’s guide to the UN for more special procedures.
Read CRIN’s research and analysis into how special procedures work (or ignore) children’s rights.
See CRIN’s transparency campaign for more.