Summary: International Society for Prevention
of Child Abuse and Neglect is calling
for nominations for their 2002
Awards event. The deadline for the
receipt of nominations is October 1
Through ISPCAN's awards programs-Henry C. Kempe Award and
Kempe Lecturer Award, through our 50 Developing Country
Honorary Membership Awards, and through our Distinguished
Career and Life Service Awards, ISPCAN supports and assists in
the advancement of the work of individuals and organizations
world-wide who are dedicated to the protection of children at
risk. for the receipt of the nominations is OCTOBER 1, 2001.
The International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and
Neglect (ISPCAN) - Call for Nominations for 2002 Awards
(Deadline for receipt of nominations - 1 October 2001)
ISPCAN members are invited to submit nominations, to be
presented at the 14th ISPCAN International Congress on Child
Abuse and Neglect (Denver, Colorado, USA, 7-10 July 2002)
The C. Henry Kempe Award, established in 1984, is presented
every 2 years by ISPCAN to an outstanding young professional or
organization working in any discipline in the field of child abuse
and neglect. Nominees must be ISPCAN members of good
standing for 2 years at the time of nomination. Nominators must
also be current ISPCAN members.
The Kempe Lectureship was established in 1986 as a major
feature of ISPCAN’s international congresses. Following the
example of Dr. Kempe, the individual selected to deliver the
Kempe Memorial Lecture must be someone who has made
significant contributions to the welfare of children, and
demonstrate teaching experience. The 2002 Lecturer will speak
at ISPCAN’s 14th International Congress and the Kempe
Memorial Lecture will be published in Child Abuse & Neglect The
International Journal.
Nominations for the 2002 C. Henry Kempe Award and Kempe
Memorial Lecture Award should be sent to the ISPCAN Secretariat
in Chicago by 1 October 2001. A statement should detail the
nominee’s accomplishments and the rational for his or her
selection. For the Kempe Lecture Award, an assessment of the
nominee’s speaking abilities, the topics on which he or she could
speak and interest/relevance to participants should be included
in the statement. The nominees for the two awards must
indicate in writing a willingness to participate in the Congress.
Travel expenses (airfare), accommodations, and Congress
registration for the awardees will be covered by ISPCAN and the
Past Kempe Award recipients: Past Kempe Memorial Lecturers:
2000 Patricia Ip, Consultant Pediatrician, Hong Kong
2000 Margaret Lynch, M.D., Prof. of Community Pediatrics, UK
1998 Indian Council for Child Welfare,India
1998 David Olds, Ph.D. Univ. of Colorado, USA
1996 The Center for Children’s Rights, Thailand
1996 Moncef Marzouki, M.D., Community Health, Tunisia
1994 National Movement of St. Children in Brazil,
1994 Gracelyn Smallwood, Aboriginal Activist,
Distinguished Career Service Awards
The Distinguished Career Service Award is given by ISPCAN to
recognize an outstanding professional, a National Partner, or an
organization represented by an ISPCAN member for their long-
standing dedication, expertise, and contributions to the field of
child abuse and neglect. Awardees will receive a certificate,
acknowledgment on the website following the Congress, and
recognition of their contribution in the Link.
The Distinguished Career Service Awardee will be announced at
the 14th International Congress, in Denver, Colorado, USA, (7-10
July 2002). Nominations should be sent to the Secretariat in
Chicago by 1 October 2001.
Past Distinguished Career Award Recipients:
2000 Dr.Helen Agathonos-Georgopoulou, BSc, MA, PhD, Greece
1998 R. Kim Oates, MD, FRACP, The Children's Hospital at
Westmead, Australia
1996 Margaret Lynch, MD FRCP FRCPCH DCH, UK
1994 Anne Cohn Donnelly, DPH, USA
Jaap Doek, Professor, The Netherlands
Donald Bross, JD, PhD, USA
1992 Sjef Teuns, The Netherlands
Nominations should be sent to ISPCAN’S Secretariat
Attn: Awards Committee Chair Kim Oates, MD
*200 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 500/Fifth Floor,
Chicago, IL 60601 USA
FAX # 1-(312)578-1405 E-mail [email protected]
(Deadline for receipt - 1 October 2001)
Call for nominations in Spanish:
Sociedad Internacional para la Prevención del Maltrato y la
Negligencia en la Infancia
Anuncio de las Candidaturas para los “Premios de 2002”
(Fecha límite para la presentación de candidaturas: 1 de Octubre
de 2001)
Se invita a los miembros de ISPCAN a presentar candidaturas
para los Premios de 2002, estos premios serán presentados en
el 14º Congreso Internacional sobre Maltrato y Negligencia en la
Infancia ( Denver, Colorado, E.E.U.U.A., 7-10 de Julio de 2002).
El Premio C. Henry Kempe que fue establecido en 1984, se
ofrece, cada 2 años, a un profesional u organización novel,
sobresaliente y que trabaje en cualquier disciplina del campo del
Maltrato y la Negligencia en la Infancia; los candidatos deben ser
miembros activos de ISPCAN, al menos durante los dos últimos
años previos a la candidatura. Aquellas personas que presenten
candidatos deben ser también miembros actuales de ISPCAN.
La Conferencia Kempe fue establecida en 1986 como una de las
características principales de los Congresos internacionales de
ISPCAN. Siguiendo el ejemplo del Dr. Kempe, la persona elegida
para pronunciar la Conferencia Conmemorativa de C. Henry
Kempe debe ser alguien que, junto a haber contribuido al
bienestar de la Infancia, tenga experiencia docente. La
Conferencia Conmemorativa de C. Henry Kempe de 2002 será
presentada, por el Conferenciante elegido, durante el 14º
Congreso Internacional de ISPCAN y asimismo, se publicará en
“Child Abuse &Neglect InternationaL Journal”.
Las candidaturas, para el Premio C. Henry Kempe y la
Conferencia Conmemorativa de C.Henry Kempe de 2002,
deberán ser enviadas a la secretaría de ISPCAN en Chicago,
antes del 1º de Octubre de 2001, debiendo adjuntarse, a cada
candidatura, una relación de los méritos del candidato/a, junto
con las razones que han justificado su selección como
candidato/a. En la relación del candidato/a al premio
“Conferencia C.Henry Kempe, se incluirá una valoración de sus
habilidades lingüísticas, de los temas que domina y del interés o
importancia de estos temas para los participantes en el
Congreso. Los candidatos/as para los dos premios mencionados
deberán indicar, por escrito, su disposición para participar en el
Congreso. ISPCAN y el Congreso cubrirán los gastos de
transporte (avión), alojamiento e inscripción en el Congreso, de
los/las premiados/as.
Los/las premiados/as en convocatorias anteriores han sido:
Premio C. Henry Kempe: Conferencia
Conmemorativa C. Henry Kempe
2000 Patricia Ip, Consultant Pediatrician, Hong Kong
2000 Margaret Lynch, M.D., Prof. Of Community Pediatrics, UK
1998 Indian Council for Child Welfare; India
1998 David Olds, Ph.D., Univ, of Colorado, USA
1996 The center for Children´s Rights, Thailand
1996 Moncef Marzouki, M.D., Community Health, Tunisia
1994 National Movement of St. Children in Brazil
1994 Gracelyn Smallwood, Aboriginal Activist, Australia
1992 Paniamor, Costa Rica
1992 Marian W. Edelman, President, Children´s Defense Fund,
1990 Newpin, New Parent-Infant Network, UK
1990 Stanislaw Tomkiewick, M.D., Scientific Director, France
Premios a “ Carrera con Servicios Destacados”
El premio “Carrera con Servicios Destacados” fue creado por
ISPCAN para reconocer bien a un profesional sobresaliente, a un
Colaborador Nacional o a una organización que, representada
por un miembro de ISPCAN, haya contribuido al campo del
maltrato y la neglicencia en la Infancia con una dedicación
experta y prolongada. Los/las premiados/as recibirán un
certificado, junto con el reconocimiento, tras el Congreso, en la
red informática (“website”) y la mención en “El Enlace” (“The
Los/las premiados/as con “Carrera con Servicios Destacados”
serán presentados en el transcurso del 14º Congreso
Internacional sobre Maltrato y Negligencia en la Infancia (
Denver, Colorado, E.E.U.U.A., 7-10 de Julio de 2002). Las
candidaturas a este premio deberán ser enviadas a la secretaría
de ISPCAN en Chicago, antes del 1ª de Octubre de 2001.
Los/las premiados/as en convocatorias anteriores han sido:
2000 Dr. Helen Agathonos-Georgopulou, BSc, MA, PhD, Greece
1998 R. Kim Oates, MD, FRACP, The Children ´s Hospital at
Westmead, Australia
1996 Margaret Lynch, MD, FRACP, FRCPCH DCH, UK
1994 Anne Cohn Donnelly, DPH, USA
Jaap Doek, Professor, The Netherlands
Donald Bross, JD, PhD, USA
1992 Sjef Teuns, The Netherlands
Las candidaturas deberán ser enviadas a la secretaría de ISPCAN
A la atención de: “Awards Committee Chair Kim Oates, MD”
*200 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 500/Fith Floor,
Chicago, IL 60601 USA
FAX # 1.312.578.1405 E-mail [email protected]
(Deadline for receipt – 1 October 2001)