Children's voices: the pedagogy and practice of listening to young children within services

Summary: Jarvis Ingram Hotel, Ingram Street,

The conference will focus on the
pedagogy and practice of listening to
young children within services.
These issues will be explored in
three strands: the pedagogy of
listening; practices for listening to
young children; and from pedagogy
to practice
Speakers include: Councillor Catriona Renton, Youth Issues
Spokesperson, Glasgow City Council; Professor Peter Moss,
Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education; Alison
Clark, Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education; Dr
Kay Tisdall, Policy and Research Manager, Children in Scotland;
and Kirsten Poulsgaard, Ministry of Social Affairs, Denmark. The
afternoon discussion groups will feature members of the Children
in Europe editorial board.

Cost: £80 - £120


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