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CODEP brings together NGOs, consultants, academics and donors who work in development, human rights and peacebuilding to explore the causes of conflict, its impact on people and to improve practice.
Aims: To uplift the needy through
help promotion by a collective
1. To support self-help groups
2. To develop skills by conducting
training programmes
3. To develop hygiene and sanitation
4. To work with local...
Works in the following areas: the
Empowerment of Women,Micro
Credit, Health, Engironment and
Poverty Reduction.Currently working on ILO-IPEC
project for the elimination of child
labor from football and carpet
manufacturing and the surgical...
Aims to raise mass awareness, educate, mobilise and sensitise against all forms of abuse and cruelty against African children - whether they live in Africa itself or elsewhere.AFRUCA
We work against child prostitution &
pornography and against trafficking
in children for sexual purposes.
Our activities: Awareness raising
campaign, reintergration projects for
victims, prevention through
sponsorship & researchECPAT e’...
Networking, facilitating exchanges of experiences, giving technical support (training, leadership, management/ organisation, appropriate technology, alternative financing, lobbying,negotiations, providing information to grassroots.IRED
'Article 12' in Scotland is a network of
young people who want to do
something about youth rights. Local groups exist in Dundee,
Edinburgh and Aberdeen with our
web site wizard living in Kirkintilloch.
We have set up other groups which
CYF is a membership Forum. Membership is
open for all individuals and organisations
working for children and youths and others
who support the objectives of the forum.
CYF helps members organisations to
coordinate their efforts, share...
Savez Drustava"Nasa djeca" - Our
Children work to monitor and
the Convention on the Rights of the
Child nationally in Croatia.Promoting the Convention and
of children and adults about the
children's rights
Six programmes...