CRINMAIL Violence against Children 45

19 August 2009: CRINMAIL Violence against Children 45



- Survey: Violence Against Children [news]

- Latest News and Resources


This list is the primary means of communication for NGOs interested in the UN Study on Violence Against Children and its follow up. Updates are sent approximately once a month. Please feel free to forward these updates to others who may be interested.
If you do not receive this email in html format, you will not be able to see some hyperlinks in the text. At the end of each item we have therefore provided a full URL linking to a web page where further information is available.


Survey: Violence Against Children

Because we want our work to be as useful to you and your work as possible, please help us in our new project to eliminate violence against children by taking a few brief moments to complete our Violence Against Children Survey.  You can complete the survey online, by marking your answers in a reply to this email, or by downloading and returning the attached Word document.

How much of your work is focused on violence against children?

__Almost All
__Very Little

At what levels do you work?

In which of the following areas, as defined in the Violence Study Recommendations, is your work concentrated?

__Lobbying national and local governments
__Advocating for the prohibition of all forms of violence against children
__Promoting prevention programs
__Raising awareness
__Training and supporting people who work with children
__Providing recovery and social reintegration services
__Ensuring child participation in prevention and reform efforts
__Creating accessible, child-friendly reporting systems and services
__Ensuring accountability for those who perpetrate violence against children
__Addressing the gender dimension and particular situations of girls and boys
__Developing/implementing systematic national data collection and research
__Strengthening international commitment to end violence against children
__Other (Please Specify):___________________________________

Which of these areas would you like to know more about?
__Lobbying national and local governments
__Advocating for the prohibition of all forms of violence against children
__Promoting prevention programs
__Raising awareness
__Training and supporting people who work with children
__Providing recovery and social reintegration services
__Ensuring child participation in prevention and reform efforts
__Creating accessible, child-friendly reporting systems and services
__Ensuring accountability for those who perpetrate violence against children
__Addressing the gender dimension and particular situations of girls and boys
__Developing/implementing systematic national data collection and research
__Strengthening international commitment to end violence against children
__Other (Please Specify):___________________________________
What kinds of information would be most helpful to your work on violence against children?
__International Conventions
__National Laws
__Court Decisions
__Examples of Legal Reform
__Advocacy Strategies/Suggestions
__Model Laws/Prevention Programs
__News items/Current affairs
__International Organization Programs/Initiatives
__State Programs/Initiatives
__NGO Programs/Initiatives
__Discussion Forums with other CRIN Members
__Other (Please Specify):___________________________________
How familiar are you with the laws on violence against children in your country?

__Very familiar
__Somewhat familiar
__Not at all familiar

Would you be willing to talk with us about what you know about violence against children in your country?

As you may be aware, the UN has recently appointed Marta Santos Pais as Special Representative on Violence Against Children.  CRIN is very excited about the prospects for the new SRSG to work towards eliminating all forms of violence against children, and is also eager to know where you believe her work would be most helpful.

Which aspects of violence against children do you believe the SRSG should address? 

Completed questionnaires can be sent to Patrick Geary at [email protected]

For more information, contact:
Child Rights Information Network - CRIN
East Studio, 2 Pontypool Place, London SE1 8QF, UK
T: +44 20 7401 2257
E: [email protected]



- Latest News and Resources

SEXUAL EXPLOITATION: Their Protection is in Our Hands – The State of Global Child Trafficking for Sexual Purposes, ECPAT, 13/08/2009

VIOLENCE: A Study on violence against girls, UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, 23/07/2009

ASIA: Mind the Gaps: A Comparative Analysis of ASEAN Legal Responses to Child-Sex Tourism, Child Wise, 09/07/2009

AFRICA: African Union launches new campaign against human trafficking, Voice of America 03/07/2009

EUROPE: Child Trafficking in the European Union - Challenges, perspectives and good practices, Fundamental Rights Agency, 09/07/2009

More news and resources here:


This Update is an electronic mailing list of  the Child Rights Information Network (CRIN). CRIN does not accredit, validate or substantiate any information posted by members to this Update. The validity and accuracy of any information is the responsibility of the originator.

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