18 February 2009 - CRINMAIL Violence Against Children 42
- VIOLENCE STUDY: Portuguese and Spanish reports published [publications]
- NETHERLANDS: Violence Against the Girl Child [event]
- Latest News and Resources
This list is the primary means of communication for NGOs interested in the UN Study on Violence Against Children and for the Subgroup on Children and Violence. Updates are sent approximately once a month. Please feel free to forward these updates to others who may be interested.
If you do not receive this email in html format, you will not be able to see some hyperlinks in the text. At the end of each item we have therefore provided a full URL linking to a web page where further information is available.
- VIOLENCE STUDY: Portuguese and Spanish reports published [publications]
The Portuguese and Spanish versions of the World Report on Violence Against Children by Paulo Sergio Pinheiro have just been published.
Portuguese: Relatorio Mundial Sobre Violência Contra A Criança
Download: http://www.crin.org/docs/Relatorio_Mundial.pdf
Spanish: Informe Mundial Sobre la Violencia Contra los Ninos y Ninas.
Download: http://www.crin.org/docs/Informe_Mundial_Sobre_Violencia.pdf
Other relevant links:
This book on the outcomes of the UN Study on Violence against Children complements the report presented to the UN General Assembly on 11th October 2006.
For more information, visit: www.violencestudy.org
Visit: http://www.crin.org/resources/infoDetail.asp?ID=19656
NETHERLANDS: Violence Against the Girl Child [event]
The theme of the conference is violence against girls in the home and family setting. The UN Secretary-General’s study on Violence against Children by Professor Paulo Sergio Pinheiro will serve as a reference for discussion.
During the conference, participants will share experience, knowledge and best practices about measures to improve the situation of girls. The aim is for the conference to be a practical follow-up to the Pinheiro report by demonstrating how its recommendations can be effectively implemented. To achieve it, 125 delegates have been invited from all over the world, including experts, academics, and representatives of NGOs and government authorities, regional bodies and international organisations.
Why this conference
In 2007, the Dutch government adopted a human rights strategy for foreign policy, in which the rights of the child were identified as a top priority. The more vulnerable a person is, the more important that they be aware of their rights and be able to seek help in asserting them. This applies to children in particular.
The UN studies on violence against women and children published in 2006 showed that girls are especially vulnerable to all forms of violence. Every year, millions of girls are aborted or killed shortly after birth simply because their families are unable to pay for their upbringing and dowry. Often, girls do not go to school but are made to contribute to the household budget. They are more likely than boys to be sold or married off at a young age. Where money is available for health care, it is more often spent on boys than on girls.
Although the two UN studies have considered specific aspects of violence against girls, it will take much more to ensure that this highly vulnerable group receives the attention it deserves internationally. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs is therefore organising an international conference on violence against the girl child, in collaboration with the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre and the Interministerial Programme for Youth and Families, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. In this way, the Netherlands is seeking to promote action to end violence against girls.
Further information
For more information, contact:
Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Email: [email protected]
Visit: http://www.crin.org/resources/infoDetail.asp?ID=19655
Latest News and Resources
IRAN: Execution of minors set to be limited (AFP)
Go to: http://www.crin.org/violence/search/closeup.asp?infoID=19654
USA: Corrupt judges paid to detain youths in private jails (AFP)
Go to: http://www.crin.org/violence/search/closeup.asp?infoID=19646
INTERNET: Joint UN, European plan to protect children online, UN
Go to: http://www.crin.org/violence/search/closeup.asp?infoID=19599
PHILIPPINES: Child rights group calls for anti-corporal punishment bill
Go to: http://www.crin.org/violence/search/closeup.asp?infoID=19576
BURKINA FASO: Cutters turn razors on babies to evade FGM/C law, IRIN
Go to: http://www.crin.org/violence/search/closeup.asp?infoID=19476
UN: Global report on trafficking in persons, UN Office on Drugs and Crime
Go to: http://www.crin.org/violence/search/closeup.asp?infoID=19625
INDONESIA: Workers in the Shadows: Abuse and Exploitation of Child Domestic Workers, Human Rights Watch
Go to: http://www.crin.org/violence/search/closeup.asp?infoID=19596
More news, reports and events on the CRIN Violence Website HERE
Contact CRIN on: [email protected]
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