Upcoming CRC Session 60
In this issue:
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CRC Session 60
The 60th Session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child will take place from 29 May to 15 June 2012 in Geneva, Switzerland.
States under Review
The Committee will examine reports from Algeria, Australia, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey and Vietnam on their implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).
The Committee will also examine:
- Read all the State reports here.
Alternative Reports
Below are the alternative reports submitted by NGOs, Ombudsmen and other organisations in preparation for the upcoming State reviews:
Alternative Reports submitted on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC):
Alternative Reports submitted on the OPSC:
Alternative Reports submitted on the OPAC:
Further information
CRC Committee Elections
In February 2013, the terms of nine members of the Committee on the Rights of the Child will expire. Elections of new members will be held during a meeting of States parties in December 2012 at the UN in New York.
At the end of June 2012, the States parties to the CRC will receive a letter from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights requesting nominations for members of the Committee.
What NGOs can do
In the past, NGOs have been successful in influencing the nomination of candidates at the national level. To find out what steps you can take to influence the nomination in your country, as well as details of which members mandates are due to expire, click here.
For additional information or if you have any questions, please contact Lisa Myers at the NGO Group at: [email protected].
In the previous round of elections in 2010, CRIN interviewed the nominees to find out how they could contribute to one of the most important roles in child rights. Look out for more interviews for the 2012 elections.
General Comments
The Committee is currently working on a number of General Comments, including:
1. A General Comment on Children's Rights and Business, which we covered in our previous CRINMAIL here. The deadline for NGO submissions has now passed, however you can read the submissions received here.
2. A General Comment on the Right to Health, which we also covered previously here . Click here to see the detailed scope and proposed structure of the General Comment. The deadline for NGO submissions has also passed, however you can read the submissions received here.
Further information on General Comments is available here.
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