59th Session
In this issue:
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Session 59 concludes
The Committee on the Rights of the Child concluded its 59th session on 3 February, adopting its report and issuing its Concluding Observations on 12 State reports from seven countries.
In addition, the Committee held meetings with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the NGO Group for the CRC, and continued its work on General Comments.
State Reviews
Below are the Concluding Observations issued by the Committee for the States reviewed, together alternative reports submitted by NGOs.
The following States were examined on their compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC):
- Azerbaijan Concluding Observations / Alternative Reports
- Cook Islands Concluding Observations / Alternative Reports
- Madagascar Concluding Observations / Alternative Reports
- Myanmar Concluding Observations / Alternative Reports
- Thailand Concluding Observations / Alternative Reports
- Togo Concluding Observations / Alternative Reports
N.B Niue Islands were due to be examined but postponed their review.
The following States were examined on their compliance with the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography (OPSC):
- Azerbaijan Concluding Observations / Alternative Reports
- Thailand Concluding Observations / Alternative Reports
- Togo Concluding Observations / Alternative Reports
The following States were examined on their compliance with the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict (OPAC):
- Azerbaijan Concluding Observations / Alternative Reports
- Democratic Republic of Congo Concluding Observations / Alternative Reports
- Thailand Concluding Observations / Alternative Reports
CRIN Wiki: Children's rights in other Treaty Bodies CRIN recently launched a Wiki on children's rights that brings together information on violations issued by all relevant human rights mechanisms, including other Treaty Bodies, the Universal Periodic Review, Special Procedures, but also regional human rights bodies. This week, we bring you a collection of recommendations issued by Treaty Bodies other than the CRC for the following countries:
Madagascar / Azerbaijan / Myanmar / Thailand / Togo
Please note that this is a work in progress. We welcome input, contributions and comments. Email us at [email protected]
More about the Wiki here.
Opportunities for NGOs
NGOs have an important role to play in monitoring the progress made by States in implementing the set of recommendations issued to them by the Committee in their Concluding Observations.
CRC Session 60 (May 2012)
The Committee's next session will be held in Geneva from 29 May to 15 June 2012, during which it will review the reports of Algeria, Australia, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey and Viet Nam under the main Convention.
The reports of Australia, Greece and Nepal on the Optional Protocol on the sale of children, and the reports of Australia and Greece on the Optional Protocol on children in armed conflict will also be considered.
NGO reporting
For guidance on how to report to the CRC, download:
Or contact:
Some of the sessions were made available online via a webcast.
CRC news in brief
During a meeting with OHCHR, the Committee discussed the recently adopted complaints mechanism, signalling their intent to ensure that the best interests of the child and child friendliness were reflected in the rules of procedure. A signing ceremony for the Optional Protocol is due to take place during the 19th session of the Human Rights Council, which opens on 27 February. Read about the complaints mechanism.
The treaty body reform process was also discussed during the meeting with OHCHR. Jean Zermatten, the Chairperson, said the Committee had unanimously decided to support the Dublin 11 document. Read about the process here.
The Committee held its periodic meeting with the NGO Group, discussing child participation and other matters. It also decided that the 2012 Day of General Discussion, to be held in September, will be on the rights of all children in the context of international migration.
Finally, regarding the Committee's work on General Comments, Mr. Zermatten said that the Committee had decided it was unable to receive any more General Comment requests before it had concluded the five General Comments it was currently working on. Read about the ongoing work.
CRIN Interview with Mr Nils Muižnieks
" I think that issues of migration - and especially of young migrants - will continue to be very urgent, not only in the traditional cultures and countries which have experienced immigration, but I think we will see Central and Eastern European countries go from being places of emigration to places of immigration. We know from societies elsewhere that this initial stage of becoming a country of immigration produces stresses and strains and I think it's important to draw attention to the situation of children in the context of migration."
Newly elected Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, Mr Nils Muižnieks, in an interview with CRIN. Read the full interview here.
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