11 August 2005 - CRINMAIL 703
- CHILD PROTECTION: Xth ISPCAN European Regional Conference [conference]
- DAY OF GENERAL DISCUSSION: Children without Parental Care [annual event]
- CHILDREN AND POVERTY: Child Welfare Leaders WorldForum 2005 [forum]
- EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT: Defining Strategies [seminar]
- EDUCATION: Solution to all Problems or Problem without Solution? [seminar]
- DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: Raising Children without Violence [conference]
- CHILD PROTECTION: VIth ISPCAN Asian Regional Conference [conference]___________________________________________________________
Your submissions are welcome if you are working in the area of child rights. To contribute, email us at [email protected]. Adobe Acrobat is required for viewing some of the documents, and if required can be downloaded from http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html If you do not receive this email in html format, you will not be able to see some hyperlinks in the text. At the end of each item we have therefore provided a full URL linking to a web page where further information is available.
- CHILD PROTECTION: Xth ISPCAN European Regional Conference [conference]
Date: 11-14 September 2005
Location: Berlin, Germany
The Xth ISPCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, will take place on 11-14 September 2005 in Berlin, Germany. The conference will be organised by the International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) and the German Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (GESPCAN).
The theme chosen for the conference is, "New Developments in Science and Practice: Influences on Child Protection." Up-to-date information on innovative research and practice will help professionals from all over Europe to better understand and more effectively address many challenging facets of the complex problem of child abuse and neglect in modern society. Amongst others, the following main topics will be discussed: Child Protection Systems in Europe, Neuro-Biological Effects of Child Maltreatment, Young Children in Institutional Care in Europe, Primary Prevention and Community Intervention, and Abuser and Abused. The Scientific Committee invites Conference delegates to submit abstracts for consideration.
The conference will be open to professionals from all disciplines involved in child abuse and neglect work, including psychologists, social workers, physicians, educators, legislators and law enforcement officers. Special forums will be devoted to social settings for child abuse, street children in Europe, children with mentally ill parents, institutional abuse, care giving settings and child abuse, legal and policy issues, medical diagnosis in child abuse and gender-specific ways of coping with abuse.
For more information, contact:
Conference Secretariat
DGgKV e.V., Konferenzbüro, Mühlendamm 3, 10178 Berlin, Germany
Tel: + 49 30 27 49 64 63; Fax: + 49 30 27 49 64 62
Email: [email protected] (in German)
Email: [email protected] (in English)
Website: http://www.ispcan.org/euroconf2005
Visit: http://www.crin.org/resources/infoDetail.asp?ID=5408&flag=event
Date: 12-30 September 2005
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
The 40th Session of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 12 to 30 September 2005. Scheduled for consideration are reports China (with Hong-Kong and Macau), Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, Russia, Denmark, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Finland and Algeria.
Information about this session is available at: www.ohchr.org/english/bodies/crc/crcs40.htm. This link will include all the country documentation for the Committee's 40th session, including: States Parties Reports, lists of issues, States' written replies to the lists of issues, delegation lists and statements, as well as the Committee's concluding observations. It will be updated on a daily basis during the session.
For more information, contact:
UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Committee on the Rights of the Child
8-14 Avenue de la Paix, CH 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Tel: + 41 22 917 9000; Fax: + 41 22 917 9022
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.ohchr.org/english/bodies/crc
NGO Alternative reports for the 40th Session are available on the CRIN website at: http://www.crin.org/docs/resources/treaties/crc.25/annex-vi-crin.shtml
- DAY OF GENERAL DISCUSSION: Children without Parental Care [annual event]
Date: 16 September 2005
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
In accordance with rule 75 of its provisional rules of procedures, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the body of independent experts responsible for reviewing progress made by States parties in implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child, has decided to devote periodically one day of general discussion to a specific article of the Convention or to a child rights theme. At its 37th session (in September 2004), the Committee decided to devote its next discussion day on "Children without parental care".
The UN General Assembly 2002 Special Session on Children recognised that there are currently many children who are orphaned or otherwise separated from their parents due to a large variety of reasons. It adopted a Plan of Action, which committed Members States to take special measures "to support such children and the institutions, facilities and services that care for them, and to build and strengthen children's own abilities to protect themselves".
The Day of General Discussion will take place on Friday 16 September 2005, at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (Palais Wilson, 52 rue des Paquis), during the 40th session of the Committee at the United Nations Office at Geneva. The purpose of the discussion is to foster a deeper understanding of the contents and implications of the Convention on this topic, improve implementation, and identify practical solutions and steps for ensuring that the rights of children living without parental care are respected.
The discussions are public. Government representatives, United Nations human rights mechanisms, as well as UN bodies and specialised agencies, NGOs and individual experts are invited to take part. However, for organisational purposes, all participants are asked to fill out a registration form, which can be downloaded from the OHCHR website, and needs to be returned before 31 August 2005.
Written contributions submitted by NGOs to the Committee on the Rights of the Child are available on the CRIN website at: http://www.crin.org/docs/resources/treaties/crc.40/Discussion.asp
For more information, contact:
Secretariat, Committee on the Rights of the Child
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, UNOG-OHCHR
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.ohchr.org/english/bodies/crc/discussion.htm
- CHILDREN AND POVERTY: Child Welfare Leaders WorldForum 2005 [forum]
Date: 19-23 September 2005
Location: Tallinn, Estonia
The International Forum for Child Welfare (IFCW) is organising the WorldForum 2005, hosted by the Estonian Union for Child Welfare, IFCW member. The theme of the WorldForum will be "Children in Poverty". Today, the main concerns facing society include poverty, unemployment, abuse, drugs, AIDS, low living standard, women's social guarantees, etc. Organisations protecting children's rights try to find and carry into life various solutions to fight against these problems. These solutions are then implemented by governments through their various policies based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Any state's primary function is to enhance the welfare of children and families with children. Welfare is not a slogan but a need to raise a healthy generation that would acquire as much knowledge as possible and apply it in the future. In order to solve the most burning problems, countries need action plans and co-operation among each other. Exchanging good practice here in Tallinn, at the IFCW conference, is a good opportunity to tackle poverty as one of the most important social problems in society.
For more information, contact:
Frens Conference Services
Toompuiestee 30, 10149 Tallinn, Estonia
Tel: + 372 6 979 290; Fax: + 372 6 979 201
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.lastekaitseliit.ee
Visit: http://www.crin.org/resources/infoDetail.asp?ID=5557
- EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT: Defining Strategies [seminar]
Date: 5-12 October 2005
Location: Salzburg, Austria
The Salzburg Seminar is an international, non-partisan, educational organisation dedicated to the recognition and development to tomorrow's leaders. It is organising a seminar session on "Early Childhood Development: Linking New Advances in Research, Theory, and Practice" in October 2005, to exchange information, ideas and practices, to more clearly identify what children need, universally, in order to thrive and develop to their fullest capacities.
Children are enormously resilient - responding and adapting quickly to changing circumstances, learning and growing in even the most difficult situations, drawing upon reserves and strengths we still don't fully understand. However, children are also highly vulnerable, particularly in the earliest years of life. There is an expanding body of research, data and experience that strongly suggests that the most important development period in the life of every human being occurs in the first three years - and that some damage sustained in this period can jeopardise the ability to develop to full capacity later in life.
The session will focus on methods that effectively apply the knowledge and understanding we have regarding children's needs and optimal development and will consider these methods in a cross-cultural context, identifying common principles and practices. It will also look at the continuing gaps in knowledge and focus in particular on issues related to gender and the important role of men in providing care.
Additionally, it will consider important transition phases in the development process of children, including ageing and the attendant changing needs of children, and the important transition from informal to formal care and education systems. Finally, it will focus on how to better align all aspects of children's development, considering their needs from a trans-disciplinary perspective.
In this respect, participants will discuss strategies to inform not just families and institutions how to better support children's optimal growth and development, but also strategies to help prioritise children's needs on the public agenda, educating community leaders, policy-makers and advocates - with the ultimate goal of assuring that public policies serve to enhance children's development, not undermine it.
For more information, contact:
Salzburg Seminar, Box 129, A-5010 Salzburg, Austria
Tel: + 43 662 839 830; Fax: + 43 662 839 837
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.salzburgseminar.org
Visit: http://www.crin.org/resources/infoDetail.asp?ID=5915&flag=event
- EDUCATION: Solution to all Problems or Problem without Solution? [seminar]
Date: 18-22 October 2005
Location: Sion, Switzerland
The right to education for all children is stipulated by article 28 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, that states clear rules: compulsory and free primary education, non-discrimination, elimination of illiteracy and ignorance, easier access to secondary and higher education. This article is completed by art. 29, that sets the aims of education, and especially child's healthy development, respect of human rights and preparation of exerting civic rights.
However, efficient and universal implementation of these principles is still far out of reach. Compulsory and free available primary education is not accessible everywhere. What is the situation in the most deprived countries? Where are priorities set and what are the amounts allotted to teaching? Not to mention secondary education. And what about girls, there again blatantly deserted by human rights? As for ethnic minorities and physically challenged children, common speech is at the verge of being provocative.
The right to education issue must be seriously rethought: is it the State's duty to offer this service (public and made compulsory), or is it a right attached to every individual including a child, to demand the ensuing provision from the State? Neo-liberal, "globalised" views could lead to think that education is no task of the State, but rather could be provided by private enterprises against payment. Enterprises would thus engage in the private business of compulsory education.
The International Institute for the Rights of the Child (IDE) has organised a seminar on the subject: "Right to Education: Solution to all Problems or Problem without Solution?" to be held in Switzerland in October.
By confronting theory/practice, legal frame/field reality, the Seminar aims at: giving a clear view on the problems (definition of the right to education and its contents, knowledge of main international standards), bringing up especially blatant situations and identify causes, singling out best practices, by exchanges of experiences between international organisations, NGOs, professionals concerned by education, State officials, field workers, etc, identifying possible synergies and partnerships between the various stakeholders, and reaching a conclusion allowing for strong and concerted international action.
Members of NGOs active in the field, people responsible for education issues, doctors, lawyers, teachers (any level), head of teaching establishments, psychologists, sociologists, social workers and anyone else concerned (media, politicians); researchers and final-year students are also welcome.
For more information, contact:
Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch (IUKB)
P.O. Box 4176, CH-1950 Sion 4, Switzerland
Tel: + 41 27 205 73 00; Fax: + 41 27 205 73 02
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.childsrights.org
Visit: http://www.crin.org/resources/infoDetail.asp?ID=5759&flag=event
- DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: Raising Children without Violence [conference]
Date: 20-21 October 2005
Location: Berlin, Germany
For five years now the right of children to an upbringing without violence has been firmly anchored in the German civil code. This has prompted the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Renate Schmidt, to look at the situation today, both from the perspective of society as a whole as well as with a view to its relevance in a united Europe. The European Conference "Raising Children without Violence" will provide concerned child rights professionals with a forum in which to report on achievements from the past five years and discuss future challenges.
On the first day of the conference, statements will be given by the Ministers Renate Schmidt and Brigitte Zypries and well-known experts in the field, such as Thomas Hammmarberg (Sweden), member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Uri Avnery (Israel) peace activist awarded the Alternative Nobel Prize, Prof. Götz Werner (Germany), founder and CEO of the dm drug store chain, and Prof. Gesine Schwan (Germany), President of the European University of Viadrina. On the second day, in panel discussions with speakers from Germany and the rest of Europe, participants can discuss topics such as "Children as legal entities - a paradigm shift in education" or "Core competencies in the business world - what role does education play?".
For more information, contact:
Conference office neues handeln GmbH
Beratungsgesellschaft für Marketing und Kommunikation
im sozialen und ökologischen Bereich
Theodor-Heuss-Ring 52, 50668 Köln, Germany
Tel: + 49 221 160 82 24; Fax: + 49 221 160 82 21
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.bmfsfj.de
Visit: http://www.crin.org/resources/infoDetail.asp?ID=5901&flag=event
- CHILD PROTECTION: VIth ISPCAN Asian Regional Conference [conference]
Date: 16-18 November 2005
Location: Singapore
The 6th ISPCAN Asian Regional Conference has been organised by the Singapore Children's Society under the auspices of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN). It will take place from 16 to 18 November 2005 in Singapore.
Issues to be discussed will range from child abuse to child protection. The conference will also review the rise of child protection work, which has evolved from humble beginnings to the present global stature that it now commands. While some countries are more advanced in this area of work, others are just beginning to become involved. Child abuse and neglect prevention is and will continue to be a challenge for many, both in the developed and developing countries. Despite the varied focus as a result of the societal make-up of the different countries, there are overlapping concerns. In keeping the belief that there are similarities underneath the differences, conference will draw on Asian insights with a cross continental exchange of experiences. Hence the theme "Protecting Children: Asian Perspectives and Beyond".
ISPCAN is the only multidisciplinary international organisation that brings together a worldwide cross-section of committed professionals to work towards the prevention and treatment of child abuse, neglect and exploitation globally. ISPCAN's mission is to prevent cruelty to children in every nation, in every form: physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, street children, child fatalities, child prostitution, children of war, emotional abuse and child labour.
For more information, contact:
Singapore Children's Society, Research and Outreach Department
Block 107 Yishun Ring Road, #01-233, Singapore 760107
Fax: + 65 6853 7381
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.ispcansingapore.com
Visit: http://www.crin.org/resources/infoDetail.asp?ID=5123
The CRINMAIL is an electronic mailing list of the Child Rights Information Network (CRIN). CRIN does not accredit, validate or substantiate any information posted by members to the CRINMAIL. The validity and accuracy of any information is the responsibility of the originator.
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12. Key words: Please indicate which of the following issues are covered in the publication:
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