Child Rights at the Human Rights Council 62

11 May 2010 - Child Rights at the Human Rights Council 62



- Human Rights Council: Session 14 [event]

- UNIVERSAL PERIODIC REVIEW: Reports and analysis of child rights references [reports]

- ELECTIONS:  Membership to the Human Rights Council [event]

- SPECIAL PROCEDURES: Upcoming Vacancies [news]

- MIGRATION: Consultation in the context of children's rights [event]


If you do not receive this email in html format, you will not be able to see some hyperlinks in the text. At the end of each item we have therefore provided a full URL linking to a web page where further information is available.


- Human Rights Council: Session 14 [event]

Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Date: 31 May to 18 June 2010

The main issue relevant to children's rights at this upcoming session will be juvenile justice with the presentation of a report by the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the administration of justice, including juvenile justice, click here for the report.

Another key report related to children's rights is the Report of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants.

For a list of all reports submitted for the 14th Session, click here.

To view the full agenda for the 14th session of the Human Rights Council, click here. We will update the online page as and when information is made available.

Please do send us your relevant statements and/or submissions if you would like us to share them with the network or post them on the CRIN website.


Sources of Information

CRIN - sign up to the special HRC CRINMAIL.

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights - Press releases are issued by the HRC on a daily basis during HRC sessions and are available on the OHCHR website.

In addition, relevant documents are posted on the Human Rights Council extranet.
Username: hrc extranet - Password: 1session.

A live Webcast service will be available on the Council’s webpage, covering the plenary session.

Civil society news and perspectives are available on the CONGO website (Conference of NGOs in consultative relationship with the UN) and the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) - ISHR: Human Rights Council daily updates

UN - FAQs about the Human Rights Council

Further information


Working Group for the HRC

The Working group for the Human Rights Council, of the NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child, brings together NGOs willing to promote the rights of the child at the United Nations Human Rights Council.

The WG’s aim so far has been to ensure that the Human Rights Council addresses the specific rights and situations of children worldwide in its regular work and sessions on human rights. By advocating for the inclusion of its concerns into the Council's Resolutions, the NGO community has ensured better support and coherence between international politics and local realities affecting the realisation of children's rights.

For more information, contact the co-convenors of the NGO WG:

Alan Kikuchi-White, Geneva Representative
SOS-Kinderdorf International
Email: [email protected]

Or Veronica Yates, CRIN
Email: [email protected]




- UNIVERSAL PERIODIC REVIEW: Reports and analysis of child rights references [reports]

CRIN have compiled special reports detailing references to child rights in the pre-review reports submitted by the State under review, the UN bodies and the NGOs. To view these reports, click on the individual countries listed below.The 8th Session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) commences on Monday 3rd May, with 15 countries under review.

Countries to be reviewed are:

Kyrgyzstan   Kiribati   Guinea   Laos   Spain   Lesotho

Kenya   Armenia   Guinea-Bissau   Sweden   Grenada  

Turkey   Guyana   Haiti*   Kuwait   Belarus

* Please note that the examination of Haiti has been postponed.

Also included on CRIN's UPR page are a session by session guide to the Universal Periodic Review process, with details of previous sessions completed and deadlines for report submissions for sessions 9,10, 11 and 12.

A full analysis detailing the inclusion of child rights in the UPR will follow in due course!

For more information, contact:
Child Rights Information Network - CRIN
East Studio, 2 Pontypool Place, London SE1 8QF, UK
Te. +44 (0)20 7401 2257
Email: [email protected]



- ELECTIONS: Membership to the Human Rights Council [event]

The election of 14 members of the Human Rights Council will be held on 13th May 2010.
The list of candidates include:

  • African States: Angola, Libya, Mauritania, Uganda
  • Asian States: Malaysia, Maldives, Qatar, Thailand
  • Eastern European States: Poland, Republic of Moldova
  • Latin America and Caribbean states: Ecuador, Guatemala
  • Western Europe and other states: Spain, Switzerland

Click here for the list of existing members of the Human Rights Council, including those who are due to be replaced on June 18th 2010.

If you require additional information on the Human Rights Council, visit CRIN's HRC web page.


- SPECIAL PROCEDURES: Upcoming Vacancies [news]

Further to the Special Procedure vacancies posted on CRIN's website a few months back, further vacancies have been announced by OHCHR, including:

For further details of these new vacancies and for a list of all recent vacancies posted by OHCHR, click here.

A list of upcoming UN Special Procedure visits for 2010 can also be accessed, click here.

See also our campaign for transparency in key appointments.


- MIGRATION: Consultation in the context of children's rights [event]

Date: 25 May 2010
Location: Geneva, Switzerland

The Human Rights Council has requested OHCHR to prepare a study on resolution 12/6 adopted by the Human Rights Council on 1 October 2009 entitled “Human Rights of Migrants: Migration and the Human Rights of the Child”. In that resolution, the Human Rights Council requested the Office of the High Commissioner “to prepare a study on challenges and best practices in the implementation of the international framework for the protection of the rights of the child in the context of migration.” The Office of the High Commissioner was also requested to consult with States and other relevant stakeholders during the study’s preparation.

1. Consult with a wide range of stakeholders on issues relevant to the study;

2. Gather inputs for the study from a range of different actors;

3. Explore challenges and best practices in the context of the international framework on migration and the human rights of the child.

The consultation is open, and interested organisations or individuals are welcome to attend.

For those who do not have access to the Palais des Nations, pre-registration with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights must be completed by 14 May 2010 at the latest.

To register, a representative should either fax or email to OHCHR a completed registration form, which is available below. The email address for registration is: [email protected], copy [email protected]. The fax number is: + 41 22 917.90.08, copy +41 22 928 90 10 – please mark for the attention of Pia Oberoi.

The Consultation will be held in the Palais des Nations, Room XII, from 10:00 to 13:00 and 15:00 to 18:00.

The working language of the seminar is English (with possible interpretation English-French-Spanish). There will be no translation of documents.

Registration form [English - French]



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