x Disability News

Djibouti: Anti-FGM protocol ratified but huge challenges remain
6/Feb/2006 News
Summary: Djibouti has joined six other African states which have ratified the Maputo Protocol that seeks to outlaw female...
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India: Comics and HIV/AIDS
6/Feb/2006 News
Summary: Save the Children organised the comics workshop with children from CPD (Children's partnership in development...
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India: Launching of Human Rights Education in U.P. School
6/Feb/2006 News
Summary: A launching ceremony was organised by RARE, Sonepur at Netaji U.P. School, Sagarpali to introduce the Human...
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Yemen:To spread child knowledge
6/Feb/2006 News
Summary: Under the title "To spread child knowledge" and under the auspices of Mr. Abdualkader Bajamal, the Prime Minister...
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India: Kiln workers, poverty and kidneys for sale
6/Feb/2006 News
Summary: ANCE has put forward the project “Education and Health Program for Brick Kiln”, which has been funded by United...
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World Children Congress 2005 in Delhi, India
6/Feb/2006 News
Summary: Second Children's World Congress on Child Labour and Education, was held in New Delhi from 4-8 September 2005,...
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Sécheresse en Ethiopie, au Kenya et en Somalie: Malnutrition et maladie mettent les enfants en danger
4/Feb/2006 News
Summary: Plusieurs appels ont été lancés à la communauté internationale pour financer des ressources pour environ 6...
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France: Communiqué de la Défenseure des Enfants sur le respect de l'anonymat des mineurs
3/Feb/2006 News
Summary: Claire Brisset, Défenseure des Enfants, appelle les médias à respecter l'anonymat des mineurs dans toutes les...
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Myanmar: Rebel chief denies using child soldiers
3/Feb/2006 News
Summary: Ethnic Shan guerrillas in Myanmar do not use child soldiers, a top rebel leader said, denying allegations by the...
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Situation for children in Malawi is still dire
3/Feb/2006 News
Summary: The humanitarian situation in Malawi remains very serious, due to a deadly combination of chronic poverty, bad...
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