Es una organización constituida por Voluntarios - Trabajacon familias en extrema pobreza. Programas de Prevencion, Programas Internacionales, Escuela de Lideres y Formación de Voluntarios, Centro de atención a niños iniciados en calle en...
The mission of the RNC is to strengthen and facilitate cooperation between NGOs and UNICEF for children's rights and their well-being, within the framework of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.Activities include: developing an NGO network...
Summary: This publication details the initiatives
of various individuals and
organisations to realise children's
rights in Croatia. Owner: Vlasta Vizek-Vidovic, Antonija Zizak
Summary: This report lays down the criteria for
monitoring the Convention on the
Rights of the Child. It presents an
overview of the types, validity and
dependency of social criteria for the
evaluation of the realisation of
To emphasize the role of the mother
in the life of the family and in the
natural development of the child; to
help mothers assume fully their
family and social responsabilities; to
represent mothers on the national
and international scene; to...
What is UNESCO?
UNESCO - the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) was founded on 16 November 1945
UNESCO works to create the conditions for dialogue among civilisations, cultures and peoples, based...
Summary: Cavtat, Croatia
The conference will bring together practitioners and academics to
look into ways of offering support and aid to communities
affected by violence and conflict, from crisis to disasters, and to
examine old and new ways of...
The Best Interest of the Child
by Monica Lundgren, Programme Officer
Radda Barnen/Swedish Save the Children
"I am not a prophet, I can't foresee the future,
but I hope for a future without war, illness, hunger and
CIDA pursues poverty reduction mainly through a focus on stimulating sustainable economic growth, increasing food security, and securing a future for children and youth. Environmental sustainability, gender equality and good governance are integral...
Savez Drustava"Nasa djeca" - Our
Children work to monitor and
the Convention on the Rights of the
Child nationally in Croatia.Promoting the Convention and
of children and adults about the
children's rights
Six programmes...