Family and alternative care

UNITED STATES: Judge orders children to juvenile detention for refusing to see their father
9/juil/2015 News
Three siblings were held in contempt of court for refusing an order by a judge to have lunch with their father, and were ordered to a juvenile detention facility until they turn 18 years old. The children are aged 14, 10 and 9, respectively. 
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UN HRC: 'Protect the family' resolution bodes ill for family members’ human rights
2/juil/2015 News
The International Commission of Jurists and Amnesty International have released a joint statement in response to the 'Protection of the family' resolution at the 29th session of the Human Rights Council
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КЫРГЫЗСТАН: Участились случаи торговли детьми
26/juin/2015 News
По данным милиции, женщина продала своего трехлетнего ребенка за 25 тысяч сомов семье из Каракола. С заявлением в милицию...
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JUSTICE: 'Children’s equitable access to justice in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia'
16/juin/2015 Publication
This UNICEF report sheds light on the tremendous barriers children in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia face in accessing justice for violations of their rights. 
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CANADA : La Commission Vérité et Réconciliation qualifie de "génocide culturel" la scolarisation forcée des enfants aborigènes
15/juin/2015 News
Les Canadiens ont pris conscience du désastre causé par la scolarisation forcée de dizaines de milliers d’Amérindiens et d’Inuits de 1870 à 1970.
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CANADA: Forced schooling of aboriginal children was ‘cultural genocide,’ truth commission finds
9/juin/2015 News
The findings are part of a report documenting widespread physical, cultural and sexual abuse at government-sponsored residential schools run mostly by churches that Indian, Inuit and other indigenous children were forced to attend. 
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NIGERIA : abandon des poursuites contre une adolescente accusée d'avoir tué son mari
26/Mai/2015 News
Le parquet nigérian a abandonné mercredi les poursuites contre une adolescente de 15 ans accusée d'avoir empoisonné son mari de plus de vingt ans son aîné avec de la mort aux rats.
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NIGERIA: Child bride murder charges dropped
21/Mai/2015 News
The 15-year-old girl that has killed her 20 years older husband after a forced marriage will not be prosecuted for murder. 
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Комиссар Совета Европы по правам человека: Инклюзивное образование имеет жизненно важное значение для социальной сплоченности в многообразных обществах
5/Mai/2015 Publication
Недавно в Европе вновь стали вести общественные обсуждения о необходимости обеспечить более инклюзивное образование для...
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