Family and alternative care

IRELAND: Children will have the legal right to know the identity of sperm donor
17/fév/2015 News
A sperm donation register will be established to help children trace their genetic identity under a new law to be approved by the government next week.
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AUSTRALIA: 'The Forgotten Children - national inquiry into children in immigration detention'
13/fév/2015 Publication
This report by the Australian Human Rights Commission shows evidence of how immigration detention is harming children's mental and physical health. 
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LGBT: Slovak referendum against gay rights fails on low turnout
11/fév/2015 News
Conservatives failed to strengthen the existing ban on gay marriage and adoption by same-sex couples. The referendum, which would have made it more difficult to change the legislation in the future, failed due to a low turnout of far less than the required minimum of 50 percent.
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GABON: Droits de l'enfant dans les organes des traités de l'ONU
11/fév/2015 Publication
Résumé: Ce rapport est un extrait des questions liées aux droits de l’enfant dans les rapports des organes de traités et...
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PERU: Autoridades firman Declaración por Infancia y eliminación de violencia contra menores
5/fév/2015 News
Queda pendiente el debate y la aprobación del Nuevo Código de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes que plantea también la prohibición del castigo físico.
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DISABLED CHILDREN: The African Report on Children with Disabilities: Promising Starts and Persisting Challenges
30/Jan/2015 Publication
[3 December 2014] - A new report by the African Child Policy Forum (ACPF) highlights the stigma, discrimination and...
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INDIA: Police rescues hundreds of trafficked child slaves from bangle-making workshop
30/Jan/2015 News
Most of the the children were trafficked away from their impoverished parents in the states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh in exchange for 5,000 rupees ($80) as payment.
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