Paper (general)

Forms of Violence: **Bullying**
21/Mai/2012 Publication
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Stop Making Children Criminals (Arabic)
9/Mai/2012 Publication
مقدمة / الحد الأدنى للسن في تراجع /  الحاجة لإجراء نقاش جديد - تجاوز البراغماتية / فصل "المسؤولية" عن التجريم / التاكيد...
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UNITED KINGDOM: A Review of the Youth Justice System in Northern Ireland
3/Mai/2012 Publication
Summary: This Review was launched in 2010 by the Minister of Justice in furtherance of the Hillsborough Castle Agreement....
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JUVENILE JUSTICE: Report from IPJJ Side-Event on the Protection of the Human Rights of Children Deprived of their Liberty
3/Mai/2012 Publication
Summary: This is a report of an IPJJ side-event on the protection of the human rights of children deprived of their...
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Универсальный периодический обзор (УПО)
1/Mai/2012 Publication
Summary: Universal Periodic Review (Russian)...
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Improving Pretrial Justice: The Roles of Lawyers and Paralegals
20/avr/2012 Publication
Summary: The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the positive impact that early intervention by lawyers and paralegals...
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EDUCACIÓN: Un derecho de todos y todas - Reponiendo el lugar de los sujetos dentro de los análisis sobre la educación
10/avr/2012 Publication
Summary: La educación, como herramienta básica de socialización y de inclusión social ha sido ampliamente debatida en...
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Safeguarding Children in Detention: Independent Monitoring Mechanisms for children in detention in MENA
28/mar/2012 Publication
Summary: This Handbook examines how national-level independent monitoring mechanisms can help respect, protect and fulfil...
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Children in Prisons and Detention Centres in Ethiopia: The Way Forward
2/mar/2012 Publication
Summary: This study on children deprived of their liberty is among the first few of its kind in Ethiopia. It identifies...
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