Paper (general)

MOROCCO: OPSC report on sexual exploitation and child-friendly justice
23/juil/2012 Publication
Summary: This report looks at Morocco's current laws and recent legal reform in relation to the sexual exploitation of...
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POLAND: OPSC report on sexual exploitation and child-friendly justice
23/juil/2012 Publication
Summary: This report looks at Poland's current laws and recent legal reform in relation to the sexual exploitation of...
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Human rights comments on children's rights by the Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe
2/juil/2012 Publication
Summary: The Commissioner's Human Rights Comments were formally called 'Viewpoints'....
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HÁBITAT: Ciudades para niñ@s - Una mirada desde la participación infantil en los procesos locales
26/juin/2012 Publication
Summary: Desde Equidad para la Infancia América Latina queremos posicionar el debate sobre la participación infantil y su...
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AUSTRALIA: State shuts down democratic school
21/juin/2012 Publication
Summary: This is a Briefing document that has been prepared to outline what happened to a School that parents, their...
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Report by the Ombudsman of Latvia on Securing the Right to Free Primary and General Secondary Education at Municipal Educational Establishments
7/juin/2012 Publication
Owner: Ombudsman of the Republic of Latviapdf: Free education_Report_ENG.pdf
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