
FRANCE : Le Conseil constitutionnel censure l'interdiction des violences corporelles
1/fév/2017 News
Le 26 janvier 2017, le Conseil constitutionnel français a censuré plusieurs dispositions de la loi Égalité et Citoyenneté...
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Ending legalised violence against children - Global progress to December 2016
19/Jan/2017 Publication
The annual global report of the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children, celebrating progress towards universal prohibition of corporal punishment.
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FRANCE : portée incertaine de l'interdiction des châtiments corporels
10/Jan/2017 News
En adoptant la loi Égalité et Citoyenneté le 22 décembre dernier, les parlementaires français ont interdit toute violence physique contre les enfants. Mais la portée de cette interdiction reste incertaine.
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FRANCE: Results of corporal punishment 'ban' not certain
5/Jan/2017 News
Lawmakers in France have banned physical violence against children, with the passing of the Equality and Citizenship bill, but it may not be the victory it seems.
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SOUTH AFRICA: Human Rights Commission urges ban on corporal punishment
22/Jan/2016 News
A total ban on corporal punishment may be enacted in South Africa after the country’s Human Rights Commission recommended the measure to the cabinet earlier this week.
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UNITED KINGDOM: Staff fired after claims of mistreatment at G4S-run young offender unit
14/Jan/2016 News
Four staff have been sacked following allegations of mistreatment of children at a young offender institution.
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Global progress towards prohibition up to December 2015
4/Jan/2016 Publication
A milestone in progress towards universal prohibition of corporal punishment of children was witnessed in 2015 with more than half of UN member states achieving prohibition in all settings or committing to doing so.
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EUROPE: Tackling violence against children
19/oct/2015 Publication
A report from Augeo Foundation and the Dutch Children's Ombudsman on tackling violence against children in Europe, to coincide with the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children's 2015 theme of Violence against Children.
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EUROPE: Progress on corporal punishment of children after collective complaints
28/sep/2015 Publication
By issuing seven separate collective complaints to the European Committee of Social Rights, APPROACH, an organisation seeking a global ban on the corporal punishment of children, has prompted the governments of several European countries to enact new legislation or publicly debate the issue.
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