Éducation, formation et sensibilisation

Children learn prejudice and stereotypes from the beliefs and behaviour of adults who surround them. These are reinforced and perpetuated by other social institutions such as the media. Furthermore, where children take on stereotypes and rigid social constructions of their own identity, as well as that of others, their ability to reach their full potential may be limited. In this way, discrimination is passed down through generations.

Education campaigns: are therefore needed among adults and children to help people to understand the causes and effects of discrimination. Such campaigns can challenge traditional beliefs and practices concerning particular groups and promote equality, diversity, inclusion and tolerance.

Training of professionals working with children: all professionals working with children need training to help them understand the right to non-discrimination and the implication of any new legislation or policies related to this.
For more information, visit the website of Child Rights Education for Professionals (CREDPRO)

Further information:

Language guides addressing other aspects of discrimination will be made available here shortly.