Article 4: Implementation of rights

National Coalitions and the Special Session
3/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: This document outlines means of involvements for National Coalitions in the Special Session and it's preparatory...
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Proposed Guidelines to Governments and NGOs on the Participation and Selection
3/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: The following proposed guidelines are meant to help governments and NGO and their delegation decide on including...
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Guide for NGO Involvement in National-Level Follow-up to the Special Session on Children
3/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: This provides some suggestions for how NGOs can find out about the process in their country, seek a partnership...
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Guidelines on Justice for Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: The Guidelines aim to guide professionals working with child victims and witnesses of crime. It is a working tool...
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The Rights of Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: This compilation of provisions of international and regional instruments was prepared in an attempt to bring...
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Guide to the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: This publication is an essential guide to the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child...
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The Rights of the Child in Swedish Development Cooperation
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: This publication contains guidelines for the integration of children's rights into Swedish bilateral development...
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NPA Briefing
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: This report is designed to provide a space for children, young people, governments and NGOs to share information...
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Child Participation (Roots Series)
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: The new 55 page manual on ‘child participation’ is number 7 in the Roots series published by Tear Fund. True to...
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