Summary: The 1948 Declaration follows on from
the five points set out in 1923 with
two additions, points one and two,
which take into account the
experiences of the Second World
Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1948)
International Union for Child Welfare
1. The child must be protected beyond and above all
considerations of race, nationality or creed.
2. The child must be cared for with due respect for the family as
an entity.
3. The child must be given the means requisite for its normal
development, materially, morally and spiritually.
4. The child that is hungry must be fed, the child that is sick must
be nursed, the child that is mentally or physically handicapped
must be helped, the maladjusted child must be re-educated, the
orphan and the waif must be sheltered and succoured.
5. The child must be the first to receive relief in time of distress.
6. The child must enjoy the full benefits provided by social welfare
and social security schemes, must receive a training which will
enable it at the right time to earn a livelihood, and must be
protected against every form of exploitation.
7. The child must be brought up in the consciousness that its
talents must be devoted to the services of its fellow men.