Concluding Observations for Paraguay's Initial OPAC Report


Below is a short summary of the key issues from the CRC's 64th session Concluding Observations for Paraguay for the OPAC. Click on the link above for the full text, and here for the alternative reports submitted by NGOs and the CRC's Concluding Observations for other States it reviewed.

Child soldiers: The Committee welcomes the withdrawal of the reservation which allowed voluntary recruitment of children aged 16 years. However, the Committee says national criminal legislation must include an explicit prohibition of recruitment of children under age of 18 into armed forces and non-state armed groups, with penalties proportional to the crime.  

 In view of the deployment of armed forces to the northern region of the country where the Paraguayan People’s Army operate, the Committee urges that children in this area, especially those in school, are protected and that all measures are taken to prevent their recruitment to either party. In addition, child victims, such as former child soldiers, must be given assistance for their recovery and reintegration by experts who have been trained on children’s rights and child protection. 

Birth registration: Due to cases of forgery of birth certificates to facilitate access to armed forces, the Committee recommends that birth registration be encouraged and that guidelines on age verification must be widely circulated. 

Military schools: Children at military schools must have their views and their best interest taken into account as well as access to a complaints mechanism . The school curricula and staff must comply with the Optional Protocol. 

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